The Draconic Calendar in Arbaday, World of the Forgotten | World Anvil
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The Draconic Calendar


Years Overview

There are five seasons within the Arbaday, each of these seasons is about 10 weeks each. The years start with the Bracke of the endless storm and where the Rains are starting to the showdown to the first signs of Spring. As Spring comes into its highest the winds start to light as the Sun and warn start to come out, letting the world come back to like. In the Spring there are three major Holidays that every culture celebrates. Sky's Break is a gift-giving celebration of the ending of the Black days/Storms of the last three months. Most of the gifts given at Sky's Break are made during the black days while everyone is locked inside due to the storms. Sky's Break is held on the 8th of Soltyk. The next Holiday within Spring is The Grand Festival, a great fair that is free for everyone to give in to their vise for a day. This day is held on the 22nd of the Thessren. The Lost Holiday of Spring is the First Planting is a three-day-long working festival that is all about sewing the first seeds and tilling the land. As Spring comes to an end The Sun starts to come out to its Full, as the Flaw riders start to dry up the world is starting to go into the Summer. As Summer comes to its height the heat starts to calm by about 40 to 50 degrees. Form the high 40s, low 50s up into the mid-90s to low 100s.

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