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Arborean Dwarves

Imaginary dwarves

  Dwarves do exist within Arborea though to call them uncommon is an understatement. Unlike their populous cousins from alternate realms, Arborean dwarves reside in hidden, isolated and fiercely protected enclaves unknown to any but themselves. Whether they recognised the threat posed by the Shadowfae remains unknown - their famed isolation remained intact throughout the whole world. In fact, such is the rarity of Arborean dwarves they are regarded in some quarters are myths or creatures from a primaeval eon long past.

Others' business

  Though any fae worth their wings would deny, Arborean dwarves are among the elder of the Arborean races, and regard themselves as the blessed creators of the realm - the young fae species frolicked and played in the environments created by the stoic old dwarves. When the bedrock, mountains, riverbeds and abundant soil of Arborea had been laid and given rise to a flourishing ecosystem, the dwarves retreated to the hidden nooks of the realm, bothered, if the myths hold true, by the ceaseless chattering of the excited trees, grasses and plants claiming Arborea as their own. Here they have mostly stayed, their enclaves often so well disguised that only those knowing the ancient greetings and offerings are permitted entry. Once inside, it is rumoured, the dwarves never let you leave. Dwarves live by one adage alone - live alone, thrive alone.   Dwarven academia has fallen into a parlous state, given the pressing interest around events for which the dwarves remained seemingly unburdened. What body of knowledge does remain has scant information on the nature of dwarven existence.

Ember dwarves

  Whatever their genealogy, ember dwarves have a natural affinity for fire, often able to produce an internal heat source or external heat source of varying degrees and power. They are often thought responsible for shaping flow of rivers, internal lakes and creating volcanoes such as Infrinnika.   Sometimes called Fiend Dwarves or Lava Dwarves.

Stone dwarves

  Thought to be literally made of stone yet possessed of the fluidity and grace of the organic world, stone dwarves are regarded as the architects of the Arborean landscape, raising mountains, carving valleys and, if legends are true, forming the land mass of Arborea from the Endless Void itself.   Sometimes called Rock Dwarves or Eternal Dwarves.

Green dwarves

  Seemingly the origin of the myth of the Eternal Green Man, green dwarves are those said to have an enduring a deep affinity for the natural coverings and growth of Arborea. Unlike other races, the green dwarves are said to concern themselves with the ecosystem as a whole, rather than the fate of individual plant, trees, and animals. Legends said they used their progidious powers to knit together the realm, giving it life and cohesion to flourish.   Sometimes called The Aloof or Vine Dwarves.

Celestial dwarves

  Of all the Arborean dwarves, Celestial dwarves are regarded as the least populous, with one preminent tome "Dwarves Didn't Eat Rocks (or Did They?)" postulating that there was only ever a handful of Celestial dwarves, all recounted by their specific names. Whatever their number, their role was liaison and conduit to the gods. Depending on which version of ancient runes one subscribes to, Celestial dwarves were either glorified messengers from the gods, or powerful conduits of their power, offering light, darkness and life to the realm.   Otherwise known as Radiant Dwarves or Council Dwarves.

"Dead, most likely. Or just well hidden, the fuckers."   - Bogart Looms, Dwarven Explorer, when asked on the fate of the departed Wamper's Feast dwarves, oral recollection

A denial of dwarves

Being a dwarf isn't always easy in Arborea, met with a mixture of fascination, revulsion and, strangely enough, denial. While many Arborean habitants are inured to finding newcomers to the realm since the events of the Arborean War, it's not uncommon for any extra-planar dwarf to be dismissed as 'just a short and squat human'.

The fate of Wamper's dwarves

  When Wamper's Feast was Shifted, there were six dwarven families within the town, along with several other dwarves, representing at least three different clans. Contrary to popular belief, these dwarves didn't isolate themselves from the defence of Wamper's. Those old enough contributed to the construction of the makeshift walls and guard towers, while others scouted the jungle to build understanding of their immediate surrounds.   The isolation came later. The exact source of their discontent remains unexplained, though there was no shortage of frayed tempers, petty squabbles and sheer despair in the years following the Shifting. What is known is the six dwarven families left Wamper's for Coldspray Peak, the most visible landmark of the Brackenthorn Ranges from Wamper's. Their whereabouts remains unknown with many speculating they managed to return to their Original Plane before the Severing of the Planes.   This speculation is flimsy at best, seemingly hinged on the adage that dwarven pride means they'd be unlikely to miss a good fight. Ergo, their absence at the Crack in the World means they weren't in Arborea. Unfortunately, this favourable sentiment towards dwarves ignores the contrasting view of Arborean dwarves - others' business is others' business, dwarves preserve their own. If the Wamper's dwarves did find their own, they may have found this view prevailing... and appealing.

Cover image: by Tavis Newsome


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