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Fberex the Orchastre

A very willing hero

  Fberex is an Arborean satyr best known for being a Companion of the Heroes of the Upheaval, having had a special affinity with Songsell X'ankris Ni-Celenist. Fberex features in many of the songs and poems regarding the adventures of the First Cohort, a fact he gladly reminds anyone at the slightest urging. His reticence at divulging the truth behind some of the more outlandish tales, or adeptness at dodging questions that probe at his more personal recollections of the First Cohort, are likely an attempt to hide the fact that his memory is severely damaged after decades of narcotic experimentation and use. As he ages though, his wandering attention and odd tangents during conversation, once an endearing trait, are undoubtedly worsening. As a result, Fberex semi-retired to Wamper's Feast, likely at the urging of X'ankris, where he administers various herbal remedies and intoxicants to a grateful community.


All who wander aren't lost but he definitely was

  Fberex encountered the First Cohort upon the cursed Island of Veyn where he was rescued from a rampaging Yhagrex dragon trying to protect her clutch. Fberex claimed he had purposely left his village to explore the Arborean hinterlands and thus his arrival on the island was a Very Deliberate Act of Exploration. His quick willingness to join with the First Cohort and provide succor to their wounds when needed was likely a result of Fberex having no idea where he actually was, other than being 'almost very sure' he was still in Arborea.
  His travels with the First Cohort deepened their relationship and trust until Fberex revealed his true predicament - he had been exiled from his village for failing to properly conduct the acts associated with the role of Orchastre. Simply put, he'd used his sacred responsibilities and cauldron to make illicit drugs, rather than healing potions, poultices, and the like. A repeat, yet amiable, offender, he was exiled from the role and his village. Satyrs like a party as much as anyone, but Fberex's unwillingness to focus on the other aspects of his sacred duty threatened the village, if for nothing else than offering hung-over satyrs even more narcotics is a sure-fire way for the village to succumb to addiction and ruin. 'Work hard, party hard' had simply become 'party harder' for Fberex, an intolerable condition for someone of his high rank.
  His return to the village with the First Cohort fared even more poorly, due to various cultural misunderstandings. Having not yet risen to the status of legendary heroes, the First Cohort were viewed with a doubting eye by the satyrs, who viewed them as simply strong-arm thugs trying to extort the village. Scholars have since proved that local Court of Eyes agents, including night hags, were largely responsible for tarnishing the reputations of the First Cohort, but the mid-negotiation relevation that Fberex had stolen the sacred cauldron and it was not in fact 'his brother in exile', soured things quickly. Perhaps luckily for the realm, Fberex was denied a happy homecoming and remained a permanent companion throughout the Upheaval.

  Fberex continues to ply his trade, mixing various potions that offer change and unique outcomes to the brave and foolhardy among Wamper's. People have grown to trust his strange coloured potions, odd shaped pills, and urgings to inhale the smoke of discoloured plants.... mostly.

"Who's to say I didn't kill Lolastre, eh? I was there, certainly. I helped, and healed, and hid only a little. There was lots of noise and smoke. Anything could have happened. Many people don't remember. You don't know. Hey, don't hog the smoke, pass it back. This your first time, eh? Crazy kid!"   - Fberex the Orchastre, Companion of the Heroes of the Upheaval, addict, oral recollection
Current Location

A semi-retired kind of life

  After the Upheaval, Fberex disappeared until, several years later, he was found asleep in a barn in Wamper's Feast.   Fberex insists he remains 'between explorations', but has shown little inclination to leave the rural community. He is almost universally loved and provided a much needed source of humour and relief during the long re-construction of Wamper's. At some point he came to an unspoken agreement with the townsfolk - his various addictions and 'herbal generosity' would be tolerated as long as he maintained himself with decorum within the village and treated the young ones with concern and respect. He has maintained his side of the bargain impeccibly and, if certain raucous sounds filtering through the trees on the occasional full moon while Fberex entertains his friends keeps the inhabitants awake, then it's a small price to pay for the amiable satyr's presence. After all, who within Wamper's hasn't heard unsettling and loud noises within the surrounding jungle before?

Cover image: by Tavis Newsome


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