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The Autumn Queen (a.k.a. The Reluctant Bride)

Who was the Autumn Queen?

  Lolastre was an ancient Eladrin, one of the first inhabitants of Arborea and nominal head of their elven race.   Prior to the Upheaval, Lolastre headed The Court of Eyes for innumerable centuries. Politically connected to the Court of Stars and the Court of Summer within the Feywild, Lolastre was thought to have birthed dozens of children during her reign, some of whom reportedly maintain significant positions of influence throughout the Feywild and other realms.   To preserve her rule however, Lolastre encouraged endless skullduggery and political machinations within her Court and between her children, seemingly enjoying the constant ebb and flow of power shifts, betrayals, and fragile allegiances. Above this murky undertow, Lolastre ruled unopposed, magnificently adept at favouring and promoting those who would balance her wanna-be rivals, only to discard them and favour the rise of others at the opportune time. As the pendulum of power kept swinging, she sat above it all unchallenged, amassing significant personal power while fey danced around her, hoping to gain her favourable eye.   But, like many ancient fey, the centuries pressed upon her, demanding new and more reckless pursuits to sait her appetite. Songsells are divided on her motivations, which remained opaque even throughout the war that ended her life. Popular consensus suggests Lolastre came to realise her freedom was an illusion and she was, at best, tolerated by the larger, wiser, and more powerful Fey Courts of the Feywild. Shackled to endless Arborean politics, she was as much a prisoner of her own status quo as she was its master. Her rage-filled ennui would bring the Wild Realm to the brink of extinction.  

Is Lolastre really dead?

  Lolastre is commonly thought to have perished during the final days of the Upheaval, though countless versions of her demise abound. Despite a multitude of unconfirmed sightings throughout the past decade, Lolastre has not been seen in public since the end of the Upheaval and the newly reformed Court of Eyes continues to expend significant energy and effort to deny her survival. Lolastre's Tomb is the latest endeavour by the Court to appease the Owena's to the north, factions of which remain unconvinced at the Court's protests of involvement with a resurgence of Lolastre's popularity.   Problematically, the different sects within the Court disagree on what death would actually mean to an ancient being as powerful as the Autumn Queen. Some posit she merely escaped to the Feywild as the planar shift collapsed, others suggest she'll return in a similar capacity as Urliant, the Elder Tree, now a powerful ethereal patron to those spiritually inclined. Whether she returns or not, Lolastre continues to frighten and inspire countless Arboreans.  

"Lolastre? Aye, I seen her. Dressed all in black, a veil over 'er head, bowed like she was a scared lil' bride. Tall. Stick-like. Kinda pretty, if you like yer women burning darkness and able to turn armies into puppets with a wink. I seen her burn a hole in the world but you know what sticks with me? Her sadness. That, and her screech. Near deafened me for weeks, that did."   - Bax Bigdong, Hero of the Upheaval, He Who Spoke For The Dragons, oral recollection of the Arborean War
Current Status
Presumed Deceased
Circumstances of Death
The Upheaval
Aligned Organization

Rise of a New Cult?

  Lolastre's reputation has undergone a transformation since the War ended, with many in the Courtlands viewing her through sympathetic eyes.   While the Court struggles to appease or oppress this view, rumours of a new cult are growing, those who have taken a more proactive approach to ascertaining the status of their Reluctant Bride. These Lolastrians are rumoured to be involved in numerous endeavours, from simple merchantile activity to careful scholarly documentation of events of the Upheaval to dark arts designed to raise the spectre of their dead queen. As the saying goes, bright days cannot shine without the cold change of Autumn.

Cover image: by Tavis Newsome


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