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The Arborean Court of Stars

An unlikely fae court

  Established by Tall Balrama and X'ankris Ni-Celenist, the Court of Stars in an informal organisation with membership throughout Arborea mirrored on the original political-cum-arcane institution of learning Court of Stars within the Original Plane.   Given the severance from the planes, the Arborean Court of Stars has a more grounded political focus, keeping a self-appointed watching brief over the nascent political structure in the newly isolated realm. Members act in various capacities, including arbitrators, scribes, advisers, and messengers. Importantly, as a matter of principle established during their founding, the Court of Stars remains apolitical, dedicated to ensuring transparency of political intentions throughout the realm. This doesn't stop the three political powers from trying to influence or outright bribe members of the Star Court, but given the recent history that gave rise to the Corrupted Fae, the Court of Stars remains vigilent in maintaining internal, as well as external, transparency and open communication.   Whether they have gone as far as to establish a section dedicated to internal security, as per certain rumours, remains unknown.   As membership is by invite and consists of magicians, druids, songsells and those with similar extra-planar and political skills, no-one can discount the Star Court's continued interest in exploring the nature of Arborea's severance, to whit: whether absolute or not.

Yet another court, reformed

  Details on the original Court of Stars are scant, however they were unlikely to have been a formal member of the Fey Court structure. Based on the current loose structure, electic membership and self-apppinted mandateof the reformed Star Court, the original Court of Stars was likely a similar organisation, formed with the intention to study the goings-on of the Fey Courts throughout the Planes and between the Courts themselves. The Star Court undoubtedly had informants and sources through the Fey Courts, with some members likely tasked with monitoring fey transfers between realms.   Tall Balrama's central role in founding the Reformed Court of Stars has all but confirmed his original membership in the Original Court of Stars and fuelled further speculation that he, and the Court, were aware of the impending Shifting of Wamper's Feast.

Information Network
Known Members
Tall Balrama, founder
X'ankris Ni-Celenist, founder

Cover image: by Tavis Newsome


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