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Void Glass

A reflective poison

  Void glass is a glass-like substance with a dark metallic sheen used for a range of magical applications. True void glass is noted for the miniscule swirling sky-blue motes that dance within the void-like darkness of the crystalline construct. Void glass is the by-product of the Shadowfell realm's transformation of the vibrant Arborean landscape.  

Ingest at your own peril

  Void glass has numerous applications, some proven, many experimental, and far more wishful thinking. Known applications include shaping into a fine-edge whose wounds either fester or continously bleed depending of the physiology of the victim, the amplification of certain shadow-infused spells, the creation of reflective magical surfaces with divination properties, and, occasionally, curative properties for specific Arborean ailments. When sufficently diluted and magically dulled, void glass can be safely used in artisan professions, often favoured for the intensity it brings to pieces created by master craftspeople.   Brave culinarians and herbalists have long experimented with void glass additives to food, beverages and narcoctics, with rumours constantly surround the Court of Eyes encouragement of a black market dealing in the latter. Safe to say, people ingest or imbibe void glass at their own risk.  

Huge, if true

  Innumerable outlandish claims regarding the powers of void glass surround the growing industry, currently controlled by the Court of Eyes. Magicians are united in agreement regarding void glass as the likely conduit for shadow-infused spells though collectively reassure the powers of Arborea that void glass is the mere residue of Shadowfell power, not a direct connection to the realm itself.   One of the more persistent yet unproven rumours regard so-called Blue Void Glass, an incredibly rare variant. Blue void glass is rumoured to be a highly potent version of void glass, capable of combining the curative and martial applications. Fervent believers in blue void glass loudly exclaim it will 'cut the ills right out of you.' This claim remains unproven.   Blue void glass only appears in one location in Arborea, the wild and unpredictable Blue Rock Isle.

"Void glass cuts deep, into your soul and arm." - Bax Bigdong   "You stick to to swinging that maul, I'll stick to poetry." - X'ankris Ni-Celenist   - overheard by Murderin' Tom, dwarf-kin explorer, oral recollection
Item type
Raw Material

A burgeoning industry

  Void glass is only available from the Void Isles in east Courtlands, lands corrupted and broken by the touch of the Shadowfell. The Court of Eyes controls access to void glass, both to control supply to the market and because extracting void glass remains extremely dangerous to all involved.   Contrary to popular belief, the Void Isles aren't constructed of void glass. Most of the isles are desolate rock with little inherent value, besieged by constant storms haunted by trapped Shadowfell beasts. The Court employs teams of specialists geologists, miners, explorers, and guards to find and extract void glass with minimal loss of life.

Cover image: by Tavis Newsome


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