Emberwood Genasi Ethnicity in Arborterra | World Anvil
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Emberwood Genasi

The Emberwood are a reclusive community of Genasi who have been in hiding in the easten mountain range of the Ulthulas since before the rise of the worldforest.   They have been in hiding due to fears of discrimination from the other races and that they would be blamed for all sorts of disasters because of their extra-planar heritage.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Beacon, Alev, Sul, Anala, Crimson, Flue, Calida, Kelvia, Sool, Flick, Radia

Masculine names

Flash, Cinder, Heat, Clesio, Brak, Rald, Incindio

Family names

The Emberwood are all Fire Genasi, their names have always reflected the heritage of their the firey planes of origin.   Well known families of the Emberwood are the Ignisio, Flarionix, Ashwalker, Al'kindle and Berhan


Shared customary codes and values

Community is very important, fear of the outside world ruled them for so long that they only had each other. They all raise the young, all take their share of work to keep everyone fed and housed.

Common Etiquette rules

Sharing your work with others is seen as the most important ideal for the Emberwood Genasi. When meeting with someone, it is considered polite to have made them something, even if only something small, like a trinket or a snack.

Common Dress code

Clothes are seen as minimal within their own community, their internal heating meaning they don't need much to keep warm. They seem no real shame in nudity but will mostly dress for fashion, they love to wear elaborate, decrotive garb to show off.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

The ifritifire that all the young and placed in on birth to be incubated is a gift from the first generation of the genasi who were outcasts from another plane.   The took this magical fire with them and the Emberwood have kept these burning ever since.


Beauty Ideals

The red skin is considered an asset within their community, with the deeper and more brilliant the red, the more beautiful someone is considered.   They prefer the idea of subtltey and so athletic, natural body types are the ideal. They want to look ready to leave on any adventures at the drop of a hat.

Gender Ideals

There are no roles assumed by either gender, each member of the community is seen as truly equal, while they have different sexes, their gestation period is only a few weeks, the newly born feotus is then incubated in the communal ifritifire in the centre of the town, raising the young when they're ready to leave the fires is a task for the whole community taking responsibility.
Encompassed species
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