The Tale of Four Dragons

Our story begins with the fairest of twins.
Both with secrets deep within, caused by others' sin.
Orphans in spirit and mind, they were raised in kind.
Naelie and Rona, caretakers two, did their best as too few do.
Their care was over all too soon, cut short by a rune.   Young Aon only a teen, turned into something few had seen.
Runechild so widely misunderstood, with capacity for bad and for good.
Naelie and Rona with heavy hearts away him sent, into hiding he went.
His brother went with him, and for a long time things looked dim.
Performing and stealing, not a good way of healing.   Noa the nimble and smart, did not get a very good start.
Caught doing sleight of hand, he was forced under the Faithless' command.
Trained by an assassin with a sharp eye, Noa found it best to lie.
He fell for a girl that worked for the crown, but soon she was cut down.
The Faithless Noa did blame, afterwards he was never the same.   Across the country far away, a young girl with her parents did stay.
She was proud of her dad and told his tale, not realising what the consequences might entail.
Men showed up at their house, her mom told her to hide and be quiet as a mouse.
Her dad on that day died, her mom was dragged away though stay she tried.
The little girl was Xienna no more, of her own survival she wasn't sure.   Then along came a funny little gnome, with him would be the girl's new home.
Chloe she was called from then on, that other frightened girl was gone.
Bellfire taught her to live through song, and that survival was never wrong.
They laughed and cried and together they stayed, but more men could always be paid.
A disappearing act Bellfire had to do, if only he could've let Chloe know about it too.   A young woman all alone, trying for another man's sin atone.
Joined a performing art, learned how to play her part.
Mother and actress both, far beyond her years she showed growth.
Travelling far and wide, she believed that her daughter would always be by her side.
Then came the man who never did atone, and once again she was all alone.   Sonata with dramatic flair, wanted to do battle of her fair share.
Leaving her mother was rough, but trained by her father she could be tough.
Seeing too much cruelty for her age, her father's wickedness she could not gauge.
Tales spoke of evil stepmothers, and sometimes of mean half brothers.
They did not tell that fathers could be bad, but Sonata would wish they had.   The setting was Wadesten, a town of gods and men.
In a tavern they met, a cliché that they'll never forget.
A tentative first contact, to make up what they lacked.
They were given a quest, at a forgotten queen's behest.
To find a lost girl, they thought "we'll give it a whirl."   And so they set out, they'd be victorious no doubt.
A forest full of spiders quite small, didn't prepare for a mommy so tall.
In a burrow under ground, the lost girl was yet to be found.
Looking in webbed cocoon, an amulet glowing like a small moon.
With sword and magic and crossbow, they all escaped the shadow.   "We work together pretty well" say the four, looking for another quest or more.
Down into the sewers they went, by a disgruntled landlord sent.
Animals had been stealing stuff, somehow Noa ended up in the buff.
Rodents they didn't find, thieves had robbed people blind.
Dispatching the crooks with their usual picks, the four found a bag of tricks.   Downtime brought them closer still, though not enough to share the bill.
Aon found an apartment to rent, his newly earned money he spent.
The twins finally had a place to themselves, but the inhabitants soon became four half-elves.
A festival performance brought much cheer, on stage was Sonata's mother so dear.
That her presence would bring more paying work, that was just an added perk.   Aziza said with much feeling, someone from the troupe had been stealing.
First the four were on the wrong track, were forced to double back.
Two in charge of keeping performers secure, had managed to gold procure.
Leaving their bodies dead in the street, made sure that the four guards did meet.
Only doing his job was the captain of guard, was still yelled at by a certain bard.   Close quarters with shenanigans and chill touch, was all starting to be a bit much.
So they set off to Sandholm with a troupe to protect, to make sure nothing more was wrecked.
Noa had told the Duke of Whispers of his journey, not wanting to end up on a gurney.
Yet still a bat above them was sneaking, and soon to Deadeye they were speaking.
Warning Sonata not to hurt the thief, though that was only the start of their beef.


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