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Seneschal of Spices

When the sword is swapped for the cooking knife and spirits boil hotter than the sauces being prepared

The Seneschal of Spices is a series of ritualistic cooking competitions that take place in the city of Cerule, the capital of the Duchy of Aricus, located in the southern reaches of the Kingdom of Crendameth. Over the course of three days, participants vie for the titular title of Seneschal of Spices, who answers directly to the Duke's or Duchess' taste needs. 

A tradition born during the times of the Sunseeker Empire, the competition and subsequent surrounding festival have become a staple of Cerulian culture, with current citizens being quick to overlook the Spices' origin in favor of eating delicious food.


The competition of the Seneschal of Spices is a rather recent invention attributed to one of the Starved Lord's servants. This being was a rather fussy gnome called Uribar Saqys, who was handed control of the city of Cerule and lordship over the Aricii Reaches. One of his better known traits was his impossibly demanding palette and paranoia, so when he assumed office, Uribar demanded that all of the city's cooks prove themselves before him or suffer the consequence of exile. It was then that the half-elf Safviel Vaqinor became the first Seneschal of Spices, being dismissed four years later, when and where Uribar began the process anew. Because of his excessive querulousness and increasingly bold demands, the Starving Lord executed him and forbade anyone from his lineage to ever hold a position of power while the Seekers still commanded the nation, conceding the position to the Malith Family.

The first of the Malith rulers, a pale female human by the name Agneyis decided to continue the competition started by Uribar, changing the terms and establishing a rule set that greatly resembles the one that is currently used, ensuring that the Endkeep would always have a good cook at hand. Curiously, it was one of the cruelest Maliths, Rovari The Blood Countess, to usher in the most comprehensive and all-inclusive rule set, limiting the maximum number of participants to fifty and reserving ten of those positions for competitors from outside the city and, in a reform that shocked many, allowing for greater non-human participation.

Even though this tradition originates from the days of the Empire, the city of Cerule still celebrates its rituals every four years as cultural heritage rather than an outright competition, with little revisions being done to the rules' framework. Hagren Tol’Direl, the Duchy's current Duke, revels in the enjoyment surrounding the competition and is constantly seeking to give opportunities for people to surprise him. Therefore, he allows the rites to continue as they are.


Across two days, people who signed up to participate are to cook the best dishes they possibly can with a limited amount of time and a restrictive amount of ingredients determined by the judges. Courses are considered mainly according to their overall taste and execution, awarding further remarks for good presentation. A third and final day is reserved for the competition's final event. 

The competition can only be officially started by the city's current ruler, a tradition that has been present since the competition's inception. After a short speech, the contests formally begin.

Because of the amount of individuals that present themselves, the first stage is usually the longest, with the judges eating part of the dish instead of the entire thing and forming quick opinions about it. To avoid overloading their palette, they carry an alchemical solution that cleanses their mouths of any flavor. After all the dishes have been tasted, the judges deliberate briefly, consulting their notes in order to advance up to half of the participants (or no more than twenty-five individual from either bracket, announcing the names aloud and giving them the cooking implements they will need for the next stage. 

For this first round, magic is not allowed, forcing the contestants to show the full extent of their unaided cooking prowess. 

The second stage progresses in a vein similar to the first, with the added freedom of more ingredients, slightly more time and allowing the use of lesser spells to affect  the dish's taste. Whosoever is caught using magic to dramatically alter the taste or to affect the plate's presentation in any way is disqualified and may be fined according to the extent of their offense. Also in a similar fashion, the judges taste the dishes and attempt to determine which one is best based o food, speed of completion and presentation, taking further note of the latter here. However, this stage has several phases, with each subsequent phase reducing the number of contestants until only four remain. Of these four, one will advance to the final. The finalist is called aloud, receiving high-quality cooking instruments and progressing to the competition's last challenge. 

During the night of the final, the individual faces off with the current Seneschal of Spices over the course of three dishes, where all aspects of the meal are weighed and judged by the current ruler and their whims, normally following little method. Both contestants are asked to keep their dishes small in size so that the judge can eat them all without having to result to purging agents. Whenever the ruler favors one individual's dishes twice, they are declared the winner, and are either the new Seneschal of Spices or the continue their tenure.

After the winner is determined, a great feast is prepared for those who participated, with the common people being able to participate after paying a rather sizable fee.

Components and tools

Foodstuffs are indispensable for the competition to take place, although what specific type of food is kept under wraps until the day the competition starts. It is not rare for the judges to choose recipes or food types from all over the Kingdom, sometimes even choosing from dishes found elsewhere in the world. 

Cooking implements are also provided, with their quality and magical affinity becoming higher the more a participant advances. For the final cooking display, the current Seneschal's tools are used in tandem with ones with the same quality for the contestant who managed to reach this stage. Tradition states that, for this final showdown, the city's Unquenchable Flame, a bright blue-and-white blaze found near the settlement's center. It is to be used underneath each person's individual hotplate, although this custom was discontinued after participants kept seriously burning themselves because they could not manage that magical fire. 


Throughout the three-day contest a panel of judges that hail from the different food establishments throughout the city serve as important figures that are necessary for the tradition to take place. On the third day, the judges are replaced by the governing Duke or Duchess, who determines the victor and may assign a new Seneschal of Spices. 

Other important people within the festival's development are the cooks who are vying for the opportunity to work directly under the current ruler, with the last figure of note, though no less important, is the present holder of the title of Senescal, who must defend it against the finalist.


The competition takes place once every four years throughout the span of three days (which need not be consecutive), normally during the summer, where the days are at their warmest and the nights are pleasantly cool without being cold, though no specific date is set in any calendar. Statistically, however, the 21st, 23rd and 26th of Longday tend to be the ones used by the festival's organizers.

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