Arcanum & the Arc Sagas

... the greatest work of your Life requires the greatness of your Life-Time!

"The Mystomythians were the first to record their history, becoming the architects and pioneers of an eternal, living history. As the keepers of Mystomythian Traditions, they meticulously etched their Cronichles onto plates of stone, wood, and metal. Over thousands of years and countless generations, they preserved the Arcanum, ensuring their legacy endured. This method of time-keeping inspired other Cultures, including Aelves and Dragons of later Epochs, adopting the Arcanum into their record halls. With each new Arc, the world's saga unfolds!"
— an introduction to the Arc Chronicles by Pavlo Alfars Qors, Aelven Chronicler
The Arcanum is a treasured collection of myths, stories, and legends from every culture and historical setting across the world of Pathon. Safeguarded within the Great Library of Arcadia, the Arcanum is meticulously organized into specialized rooms, each dedicated to a different section of the collection. The term "Arcanum" also refers to the inner sanctums of the Great Library or any room dedicated to preserving legends and Magic. These sanctums are revered as halls of great Arcane knowledge, embodying the histories that shape Pathon.
Adorning the walls of these sanctuaries are large octagonal discs interconnected by a central loop or ring. Though diverse in material, size, and inscription, the fundamental structure of the Arcanum remains uniform. Each octagonal plate is divided into eight sections known as Arcs, each representing a span of 125 years. Individually, these octagonal plates are referred to as "Annals." Upon recording a millennium of history, an Annal is gathered by a Chronicler and enshrined as an integral part of the Arcanum.

Each Culture adapts the Arcanum, reflecting its social importance in Pathon's historical landscape. Many outside the Great Library refer to this collection of myths, legends, and stories as the "Arcs' Sagas."

History of the Arcanum 01

Mythos Directive- Mythic Epoch, Ice Age, Era of Early Tribes

As a part of the tenets left in the departure of Unagi of the Mysts and Vavaya of the Myths, the latter directed the Myth Folk to record their History. Given the ancient custom of writing upon clay tablets and stone, cuneiform discs began recording family lines, traditions, and stories of the early Folk.

Runes and mathematical sigils became common as their relatives, the Myst Folk, adapted the prior primitive language into something new. With this advance in record-keeping, Mythologists remark the rapid evolution of Folk Language. The Arcanum, protected by the stalwart Mystomythians, remained a vital source of learning, inspiring many other Cultures to adopt this practice and other forms of the Folk Language. As Myst and Myth Folk came to share this knowledge, their bond of mutual history strengthened early societies.

Craft Arcanums- Mythic Epoch, Ice Age, Era of Early Tribes

To construct an Arcanum, an octagon is shaped; the earliest forms used clay and stone. Wooden discs formed of Aefaelagis or Bottan appear much later. A stone chisel and a rock or hammer were used to carve and etch the surface. Special paint or dye was often used to fill in the characters, fading with Time. Each eigth section of the Arcanum is divided into Arcs- spans of 125 years, ending at 1000 years.

A hole is left in the top or center section, where a circlet loop is attached. A disc is considered completed once it has recorded a millenia, at which point it is bound by the loop, where it can be read or transcribed. The length of the Arcanum is vast, expanding the scope of known Time.

Art of Divination- Mythic Epoch, Ice Age, Era of Early Empires

Before the Schools of Magic, there were Disciplines- the basis by which all Magic is compelled by the Caster. Through the enlightenment of Source, Casters were able to cast Divinations- spells that could observe the Past and the Future. This practice was often guided by Deities or super-natural Spirits, but as Casters learned to channel Source, their understanding of the Disciplines led to the Diviner- a type of Caster who seeks Divine (or Profane) Source.

With the power of magical Disciplines, the Diviner found a unique role in the process of creating the Arcanums. Orders of the priests of Vavaya would unite in the attempt to piece together the truth of History. Working with Scribes, communing with avatars and spirits, seeking the past through scrying pools and rituals, these were the tools the Diviners employed.

Though the nature of the Schools of Magic has changed since the Ice Age, it is believed that a secret of that Discipline still remains, allowing Casters to truly unlock their potential through the art of Divination, but only if they can reveal Source's hidden mysteries.

The following section will be intended for Future Articles and Timelines, relevant to:
  • Folk Lore, the collection of Mystomythian Folk Legends; information about the Folk Pantheon, and the formative Art of their Culture.
  • Alfari Records, accounts from Aelven Culture; maps and charts, bloodlines, surviving Art, and historical documents.
  • Dungeon Codex 1, a record of known Dungeons that appeared during the Ice Age; known status, and related expeditions.
  • Mythic Epoch, Ice Age- Timeline, a dedicated Link to the associated Time-Line. This has not yet been written... (WIP)
A World of Legends


Item Type:
Item Category:
Mundane or Magical Book

Item Dimensions:
* Arcanums vary in size, scale, and weight. They may be as small as a 0.03Ub token or as large as a 15Un wall. The dimensions vary based upon where the Arc of the Arcanum is located, as well as the relevance of the Arc's History.

Unit Reference
"Units" are measurements, defined by length, width, and weight. A whole Unit is denoted with an "Un" and represents 1 whole measured "Unit" (equivalent to the average length of a forearm). A "Micro-Unit" is denoted with a "Um" in measurements and is the size of an index finger bone. 10 Micro-Units make 1 Un. To measure weight, Unit Burden is calculated relative to the weight of an adult fist. Total Units are measured using decimals.


Basic Arcanum
  • Pen, Ink
  • Hammer, Chisel
  • Clay, Stone
  • Rope, Cord

Author Bio
Hello! My name is "Myth Cross"- enthusiast of Art, Music, Games, & Stories; an aspiring Game Dev, Writer & World- Builder! I've made these my Life's passion!   My mission is to write enchanting and compelling Stories that people can interact with!   Epic Sagas! Living through Love & Experience!   "Arc Sagas" is my 1st Step towards those Goals!   This is a Legacy Project that has seen over 10 years of development! Progress on the Video Game led me to seek World Anvil as a Platform! Now, I spend much of my time developing content and expanding the setting here! You're invited to join along! I'm always happy to meet new Writers & World-Builders!   I'm the Founder of "Story-Teller's Circle"- a Discord server specialized and dedicated to a vibrant & inspiring community of self-driven WA Writers & World-Builders! We support each other's goals and celebrate the milestones of our fellow Authors, encourage others to share their work, to seek publishing and promotional opportunities, and otherwise provide a safe, friendly environment for developing ideas & embracing your own talents!   "Story-Teller's Circle" is dedicated to fostering the next Generation of Fantasy Writers, right here on World Anvil! Discover new Worlds, expand your Horizons, and make a new friend! Share your experience and enrich others! This is the essence of the Story-Teller's dynamic! We are not a Chapter of WA, despite the rumors- so anyone can join!



Author's Notes

Thanks for reading the 1st Article for Summer Camp! I'm waiting to submit as a prompt; I think this Article has some potential and I want to smooth that first! The Arcanum exists as a way for the long-lived species to record their history. As magic and technology advanced, this became much easier! This will definitely become a Pillar Article in the future; I'll be happy to explore this later! In the meantime, one must make hay while the sunshines!

I'm off to complete the next in this week's series, "Arcadia"! Enjoy! Hope you're having a great start to Summer Camp!


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Jul 2, 2024 14:24 by Carolyn McBride

I think I'd be happy the rest of my life in the Arcanum, studying the myths and legends. As long as I could still see the sun, and have coffee and chocolate! Great work, Myth. I look forward to seeing how you polish it up for submission.

Magic, Dragons & Drama! Uclandia   If the real world is more your thing, come visit Sitka Cove A small town on the brink of explosive change fueled by secrets!
Jul 15, 2024 03:13 by Myth Cross

Oh, me too! Imagine all of the Mythologia! : D Stories upon stories contained within the "Arc Sagas"!


Tell me stories! Here's your Ticket to the World of Arc Sagas!