
... if you hear wind chimes in a blizzard, beware icing death from above!

Bottiban on the Wind

"Aw! How cute is that?! Would you just look at that cute little fluffy butt! Ouch! Don't poke me! Ahh!"
— Bottan Farmer
Despite their cute appearances, the Bottiban are known as menacing defenders of Tundra Bottan. Those who seek to harvest these trees must pay tribute to the grove's wardens. The Bottiban is a savage creature, but if one can earn its' favor, it may become a stalwart companion. Not many can tame their wild, mercurial hearts!

This species of Fey is one of the oldest creatures in Pathon, appearing with the birth of T-Bottan Trees. Floating on the frigid breeze, they roam the frozen fields.

Bottiban on the Winds

These creatures are covered in a soft, downy wool. They absorb water and nutrients through the many blooms that surround their lower bodies. They can use these blooms of icy wool to affix themselves to structures; like hooks, they can grasp solid surfaces by ingraining the blooms. This can also be used as a weapon, as a Bottiban with red blooms may have considered to feed recently.

They have two forms: nested and active. When nesting, a Bottiban raises seeds in its' coat, which eventually bud from the Bottiban after gestation. Otherwise, it walks upright as a plantigrade, and shakes the buds from it like snow, where they become new Bottiban. They must do this near Bottan groves, where they conjoin their spirits with these plants.

Icing Bottiban, Nested

The Bottiban relies on its' ability to swiftly take to the wind, avoiding danger, and raining forms of ice and snow upon their enemies. They can release icy shards and pins from their fur, and call upon the wind to summon a Blizzard. Their flight maneuvaribility is reliant upon the winds, but if they find themselves in favorable conditions, the Bottiban can soar across fields and forests with an unmatched agility.

Fluffy Faces, Chilly Hearts

Bottiban of Bottan Groves


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