Caewyld, Cold Fields Geographic Location in Arc Sagas | World Anvil

Caewyld, Cold Fields

... the shifting sands and snow of the chilly fields' mystery reveals!

"When you need strength, drink from the waters of the Gi'Dyvasi. It has carried our vessels to and from the sea for generations, carving its' name through the ice and stone. To survive in the Caewyld, you must do the same or be scattered by the gales of the Oricori."
— a Mythos Folk elder
Caewyld is a harsh region of wind, ice and stone. Shaped by the river, Gi' Dyvasi, this lifeline is one of the longest river systems in the world, providing a vital water source to the frigid expanse. Relentless elements carve desolate dunes beneath the shadow of the Oricori Mountains, where wintry winds send dust and hail across the frozen snowscape.


Caewyld Expanse

"Caewyld" translates to "Cold Fields" from the Folk Language. Natural terrain features, such as great mountains and the cold desert, make the borders of this region, creating an area of barren lands nestled between the rain shadow of imposing mountains and contained by coursing river banks.

Gi' Dyvasi River

Caewyld Expanse is home to one of the longest running rivers in the world, the "Gi' Dyvasi" or "First Born Pure River".

From the North-West, it cuts through the Caewylds, and into a volcanic region to the South-West, where it ends in a cascade into an icy cavern. Tributary streams feed the great lake, Tolke's Basin, where their waters combine to form a large underwater cavern and ground aquifer. Mythos Folk discovered alleys of magical Ice beneath the river, which keep it from freezing. For this reason, Mythos Folk preserved the Ice Bed beneath by creating canals using Ice Runes.

Oricori Mountains

The river regularly floods by the ice and rain that falls from the Oricori Mountains. Referred to as "Meteor Mountains", the Oricori Range makes the Eastern border of the Caewylds. Three mountains form a line across the land, while a fourth mountain, the Bunnishalks, diverts Gi' Dyvasi to the South.

Oricori Mountains is covered in fine dust and sand that blows from the Southern volcanic region. When the intense pressures of these regions collides, it can cause hail and dust storms which pelt the land intermittently for weeks. Travelers through these regions must proceed with caution.

Aeflshalks & Bunnishalks

Aeflshalks, or "Elven Slopes" is the cold desert region that forms the Caewyld Expanse. Directly beneath the Oricori Range, this volatile region is constantly shifting with a fine white sand, mixed and dried by ice and wind. The Aeflshalks is rich in mineral deposits, scattered about by wind erosion from the storms. Sparse vegetation survives in the cold desert, but a scaled tree, known as the Aelaefagis, grows here in solitary populations.

Bunnishalks, or "Bunny Slopes", is one of the calmest areas of this region. Existing on the other side of the Gi' Dyvasi, the Bunnishalks serves as a buffer of protection against the harsh winds of the Caewylds. Dense Aelaefagis sprout around the river banks, as a forest valley opens to the tundra of the East, beyond Caewyld. Many villages form here, including the Caedun Vala, "Cold End Village". Buniru make their homes in the woodlands, nestling themselves in dens of snow and stone.

Caewyld Expanse

Beneath the rain shadow of the Oricori Mountains is the Caewylds that gives the Expanse its name. North- West of the cold dunes lies a vast tundra. Following the river North eventually leads one to the sea, where the mouth of the Gi' Dyvasi may be found. Cold all year round, the high altitude of the cold desert sends chilling winds into the dales and valleys below. Rich farm land is found around the banks of Gi' Dyvasi that meet the tundra, making it the central hub of the Caewyld Region.

Many mummified remains of Aelves and Mythos Folk have been exhumed from the cold sands and snowy tundra.



Caewyld experiences frequent blizzards and dust storms from the Oricori Mountains. Sparsely vegetated, only shrubs and the most sturdiest plants grow in Caewyld. Plants have adapted to the cold cycles of the Caewylds volatile weather patterns, producing unique specimens, such as the Aefaelagis.

Ecosystem Cycles

Temperatures in the Caewylds hover around freezing all year round. It's only during the summer that these numbers begin to raise degrees higher. While it experiences little rain fall, when it does rain in the spring, the Gi' Dyvasi floods. Sometimes, this reveals treasures hidden at the bottom of the river. It has been known to birth short-lived streams and pools during the spring and summer months that linger before the ice reclaims them.

While blizzards are more frequent in the colder months, it is the dust storms of the warmer months which makes the region incredibly difficult to live within. Hail and sandstorms are frequent in this region.

In the summer, animals become more active, seeking potential mates or prey, as they take advantage of the warmer climate.



Flora & Fauna


Localized Phenomena

Mythos Folk refer to the hail and dust storms as "Furiorios" or "Meteor Furies". Chunks of the stones that sail through the air may contain precious minerals, compacted with ice and carried away from distant lands. Locals know to take refuge during the Furiorios, as the plummeting hail are like small comets impacting the sands. When the storm has subsided, those lucky survivors may come across rare ores that make the Caewyld fertile for expeditions.



Caewyld Expanse was discovered during a Hunting Festival between Aelves and Mythos Folk. Aelves first settled at the base of the Gi' Dyvasi before the Mythos Folk could claim the region. The Aelven settlement was known by both groups as Efalgar. Mystomythians would come next, settling Caedun Vala to the South-West of Efalgar.

When both groups discovered the coursing, enchanting landscape beyond the river, an Exploration Race to settle the Caewyld Expanse began. Living closer than the Mythos Folk, Aelves settled Efalgar. They used the river as a means of transporting their goods to Tolke's Basin, located near their capital, Aeflheim.

Culdeivi Settlers made their way to the West, but were lost in a snow storm before they came to find the Aelves had already claimed the region. Instead, they settled the small village of Caedun Vala in the snowy foothills close-by. The Mythos Folk continued to thrive as the Aelves suffered time and again from the choice to settle Efalgar.

Inevitably, the Aelves were driven from the region by furious weather patterns, forcing them to abandon Efalgar. Assumedly, this was due to the harsh environment, but it would later be determined that the Aelves were cursed by the Eidolon, Shakhan, so that they may secure the means to settle the region first. This created the Alps- a vicious creature born from Aelves and cursed by the Eidolon. Mythos Folk have worked to drive the Alps into the Oricorio Mountains, where they harass travelers and pilgrims.

Dungeons have formed numerous times in the Caewyld, surrounding the animosity and skirmish war-fare that would later become the War of the Expanses, between the Aelves and the Mystomythians. The Mythos Folk's decision to re-settle the lost city, Efalgar, made the Aelves angry, provoking a retaliation by the Aelves in the form of an assassination attempt of the Chieftain of Mystic Nations. Together, the Mystomythians were like the furious storms, driving them from their home of Aeflheim, and conquering the Caewyld Expanse.

After generations of blood shed, the Aelves that remained and the Mystomythian triumphants chose to live once again in accord, returning to Hunting Festivals and Blood Sports as forms of entertainment, but only after the savagery of tribal warfare that rattled the ancient world in the first War against Nations had been settled with proper reparations.

Author Bio
Hello! My name is "Myth Cross"- avid enthusiast of Art, Music, Games, & Stories; also, an aspiring Author, Game Developer, & World- Builder with over 15 years dedicated to the crafts!

My mission is to push the boundaries of interactive Story-Telling! Whether exploring Hidden Realms or seeking Epic Adventures, you'll find me there! My hopes are to invite readers into a World of unforgettable experience!

"Arc Sagas" is my 1st Step towards those Goals!

I'm also the Founder of "Story-Teller's Circle"- a Discord server specialized and dedicated to a vibrant & inspiring community of self-driven WA Writers & World-Builders!! We support each other's goals and celebrate the milestones of our fellow Authors, encourage others to share their work, to seek publishing and promotional opportunities, and otherwise provide a safe, friendly environment for developing ideas & embracing your own talents! We don't boast in the Circle- we Celebrate!

"Story-Teller's Circle" is dedicated to fostering the next Generation of Fantasy Writers, right here on World Anvil! Discover new worlds, unlock hidden truths, and explore the heights of your own boundless imagination- with friends!

We are looking for new members! If you have any questions or are interested in joining, consider subscribing to the Invitational Discord Server provided below! There, I can answer any questions!

Best of Good Luck, World-Builders! Let's meet again! : D


"Cool Wild Expanse"

Biome Type
Cold Desert



  • Continent:
Majas Polas

  • Region:
Caewyld Expanse
Tors Oriuk

  • Climate:
    Cold, Arctic

  • Sub-Regions:

  • Major Cities:
  • Minor Cities:
    Caedun Vala


Natural Resources:
  • Water
  • Wood
  • Coal


Author's Notes

I was practicing at prompt writing. Since the goal for Summer Camp is 300+ Words, the idea here was to write around that. Oops, I tripped over 1.5K x.x LOL! That's ok though because there is honestly a lot you can say about an environment! So much that I'll regularly come back and refresh this Article- with all new Art and updated descriptions, such as more info on Tors Oriuk! I'll send out a proper notification once that is done! A couple of things I liked that came up too were the themes for Summer Camp.

Change. Refuge. Belief. Entropy. Change in this sense as the region is often changing by the coursing river and shifting dunes, offering new discoveries of old things. Refuge, in that while it's dangerous, there are places of safety and rewards to be had for perseverance. Belief, in that it takes strength and courage to live here; something not every resident of the Caewyld had. Entropy, in the errosion that takes place to the spiritual decay that led to the abandonment of Efalgar and the birth of the Alps. It was a unique opportunity to attempt to associate the ideas and relate them through World-Building!

I'll return to the Caewyld Expanse- but not before I pick up a comfy Tundra Bottan Mantle and a pair of Icing Silk Gloves! ^^ Have fun out there and be cool this Summer!


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