Cold Snap Bangle Item in Arc Sagas | World Anvil

Cold Snap Bangle

"Snap! Bang! Boom!"
— a child's game

This magical armlet grants the owner abilites related to the Cold Snap spell. Made of a lustrous material and enchanted inlay gems, the Cold Snap Bangle is worn around one wrist and grants the wearer three benefits:

* Owner of the Bangle is immune to the effects of another Caster's Cold Snap spell or ability. This armlet doesn't provide any additional resistance or protection to Cold or freezing effects.
* Owner can use Cold Snap as if they knew the Spell a number of times per single encounter equal to their Grace modifier. Use Grace instead of Psyche for the purposes of determining Cold damage (1d4+ Grace).
* Owner can use Cold Snap as a melee touch attack, instead of a ranged attack. This includes any use of the Cold Snap spell outside of owndership of the Bangle.

** If the owner already possesses the ability to cast Cold Snap, then this Bangle provides the defensive benefit as above, but it also increases the damage that the Bangle does to 1d6, instead of 1d4. The Bangle doesn't confer any additional uses of Cold Snap, however, the Caster can choose between their Psyche or Grace stat, whichever is higher.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Activating the Cold Snap Bangle requires one Action or Free Action. If the Free Action fails but the result is 15 or more, proceed as an Action.

FOCUS DC:15 (Action) DC: 20 (Free Action)

Manufacturing process

The process to make the Bangle only requires smelting enough silver to create a thinner Aurorium fusion, then inlay the jewels enchanted with Cold Source energy.



The first Cold Snap Bangle was created for a noble's wife. Fear of her falling prey to assassins drove the noble to request it's likeness. In the end, it did protect her, and the design became highly sought after, inevitably reducing crime in the city.


While Cold Snap is a spell favored by many Geomancers, the Cold Snap Bangle became popular as a deterrent to rogue Casters. Able to fire back a Cold Snap, effectively redirecting the damage, the owner enjoyed immunity from the Cantrip.

.45 Grams
Base Price
2500 Casho
Raw materials & Components
Silver, Aurorium. 3 Large Lapis Lazuli.
Jeweler's Kit


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Dec 11, 2023 20:07 by Marc Zipper

This sounds like a fun item for players to have them use cool article

Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin
Jan 26, 2024 19:55 by Bob O'Brien

I like the idea of an item that defends against an incoming effect, and yet dishes it out at the wearer's desire. Does it "store" the inbound energy? Are there limits on either the input or output sides?

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Jan 27, 2024 15:43 by Myth Cross

After reading your comment, I did start thinking it would be kinda cool if it did do that! Maybe I'll edit it in! Like, say you WERE attacked by "Cold Snap" then maybe you're given a free Reaction to "Reflect" the attack, if per say you still have the avail uses per encounter. Neat effect! And thanks again for including me in your Resolution!


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