Magic Lanterns Technology / Science in Arc Sagas | World Anvil

Magic Lanterns

A Magic Lantern is a portable device that produces ambient Light in a wide area. Favored by travelers and citizens, the Magic Lantern can be seen at home or on the road. With a gorgeous array of shapes and programmable colors, the Magic Lantern is a popular and affordable choice.


Magic Lanterns have several uses inside the home. As alternative light sources, a home decorated in Magic Lanterns appears bright and colorful. Outside, they make for engaging exterior displays. Garden paths lit with Magic Lanterns enchant any moonlight walk.

Magic Lanterns are also effective at lighting and controlling roads. Cities that can afford Magic Lanterns use them for traffic control. Roads and intersections use these due to easy maintenance. Some AUTOs are equipped with standard Hooded Magic Lanterns as part of their production; these headlights brighten the roads at night, creating a better field of vision for driver and pedestrians.


The process of making a Magic Lantern is similar to a normal lantern, except the Enchanter binds Light Magic into individual pieces during construction. Glass for the face and bulb used to make the Lantern must be created with enchanted sand in a process that takes 6 hours. The Caster assembles the Lantern as part of the process. Any non- damaging Spell with "Light" in its descriptor can be used in the enchantment of this device.

Magic Lantern
This lantern is enchanted to produce low levels of light for long periods of time. For 6 hours, a Magic Lantern emits light in a radius of 15- 20 ft before it needs to be recharged. Light comes in a variety of colors; owners can change the color during the recharge time, which takes 30- 45 minutes of inoperation near a source of Magic. Casters are able to charge these devices quicker with Auramancy.
Hooded Magic Lantern
Similar to the Magic Lantern, Hooded Magic Lanterns can be adjusted to create a beam of bright light. While also able to provide light within 15- 20 ft; by focusing the light into a line, the range increases to 30 ft..

Floating Lantern
As the Magic Lantern, except this Lantern has been enchanted with a "Levitation" spell. Though it has a reduced life span (4 hours, instead of 6), this Lantern floats at 30 ft. away, maximum. By attuning itself to the owner, this Lantern will follow closely or at range, directed by the owner's Will.
Magic Camplight
Similar to a Magic Lantern, this variant changes the ambient temperature within the its glow. Magic Camplights are often used in the production of streets or homes to provide an alternative or supplemental source of heat. The Magic Camplight also has an increased range of 20-25ft radius of available light. The heat generated by a Magic Camplight only increases ambient heat of creatures; it can't be used to cook nor does it produce enough heat to burn.

Illusionist's Lantern
This magic device functions in as a Magic Lantern, however, it can be used to create dazzling illusory effects. By channeling the owner's Will, the Illusionist's Lantern can be used to display their inner thoughts or to cast simple illusions as soundless images. This item is also known as a "Projector" and is often used for entertaining groups.
Truthseeker's Lantern
This Hooded Magic Lantern not only produces light but also casts a powerful enchantment on those within it's glow. Anyone caught within the glare of this Lantern are momentarilly unable to tell lies or deceive. In addition, the Truthseeker's Lantern reveals invisible people or objects, rendering visible but only within the light.
Lumisci Lanterns is the most famous manufacturers of Magical Lanterns.
Access & Availability
Magic Lantern
: 60 Casho
Hooded Magic Lantern
: 75 Casho
Floating Lantern
: 125 Casho
Magic Camplight
: 150 Casho
Illusionist's Lantern
Cost: 1000 Casho
Truthseeker's Lantern
Cost: 5000 Casho

Auramancers are well- known for their ability to control ambient levels of light, as well as their ability to enchant objects with Magic. As such, the Lantern is a well- respected symbol for an Auramancer. They created Magic Lanterns as a means to preserve their Magic, especially in darkness. Magic Lanterns are enchanted to emit a continuous Light with an incredible Lifespan. As long as there are Sources of Magic nearby, the Magic Lantern is a reliable source of light.

Cover image: by AI Art


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Dec 3, 2023 21:29 by Mochi

Great article! I love the detail on all of the different types of lanterns and their uses <3

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.
Dec 6, 2023 19:42 by Marc Zipper

Excellent article. Amazing job come out with multiple variants of lanterns. The truth secret lantern kind of wanted to some people take out during a truth or dare game

Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin
Jan 2, 2024 06:54 by Zero Sum Games

This was a really fun read, and I love your artwork. Wouldn't it be great if we had actual Truthseeker's Lanterns? Or maybe not...

Jan 2, 2024 07:27 by Myth Cross

This was one of the earliest posts I made for WE! Thank you! I can't claim the Art- it's AI! But the least I can claim are edits and compositions of the art : D I'll keep trying to bring this kind of art style to the Project! Thank your for the feedback and for bringing me back to this piece!   LOL! Absolutely! Agreed on both points! x D


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Jan 4, 2024 02:54 by Kwyn Marie

Magic lamps are not just 'magic lamps'. The bright colors of the featured image really add to the article.