WAIV Technology Technology / Science in Arc Sagas | World Anvil

WAIV Technology

"Don't miss out on the new "WAIV" of Products this year! Brought to you by WAIV/CORP!"

"Experience the full range of our new products with the WAIV/ Console Caster II! This unique device will allow you to stream movies anywhere! Increased performance and a mode of options crafts a refined user experience. With enhanced UI tools, AI assistant, and predictive algorithms, the WAIV/ Console Caster II is the cutting edge, redefining the home entertainment system! See why everyone is caught up in the new WAIV!"
— a direct advertisement from WAIV/CORP

WAIV, or "World Arcane Interweb Vibration" is a special macro-wave connected to the Source and flows throughout the physical world. When it touches matter, it passes through it and resonates, collecting and receiving "Data". These small parcels of information become a part of the larger collective WAIV, and can be transmitted or interpreted by specialized devices.

From the earliest COMMs units to the highly advanced WAIV/ CON, the technology that connects the world has pioneered the communications industry since its invention. Social media platforms, "Cloud" storage, and powerful user-defined MODDs have all improved the quality of the WAIV experience.

Join along as we take a look at WAIV Technology- from PADs to Consoles, we'll get an in-depth look at why WAIV devices are the most coveted in communications science and home entertainment products!

Discovery & Invention

The history of WAIV technology began when Meta-Scientists and Enchanters formed a small developer group, formerly known as Magi/COMMs. The technology for early COMMs involved messages sent on macro-waves to transmitters, which would decode the information in real time. While this often produced scratchy quality audio recordings, the Basic COMMs units were significant in the communication efforts of several War fronts at the time. With built-in transceivers and transmitters, these devices became useful in spreading messages quickly across accessible transponder channels.

COMMs were initially prone to wear and tear, losing signal range and lifespan over time. A new product was necessary to improve the quality of calls and messages. MagiCOMMs, forerunner of communications products, was tasked to solve the riddle of the better communications device. Inspired by a special group dedicated to the research and innovation of the newest devices, the company produced it's first ambitious project- the WAIV/NET.

The macro-waves used by COMMs were decidedly influenced by the subtle vibrations of a phenomenon known as the "World Arcane Interweb Vibration" as it interacts with matter; particularly, through means of electromagnetic radiation or the Aura. The waves bounce around and through, collecting "data" as it roams, which then joins the collective WAIV and can be interpreted by COMMs devices. WAIV/NET is the network of WAIV transponders and transmitters that are networked around the world and connected to vast towers, where they can collect and distribute information.

"Data" are the small parcels of information that collects together and forms the WAIV. By reading and decoding the data, it can be transmitted and received, or stored into a memory bank known as the "cloud core processor" (CCP) or simply "Cloud".

This effective device had an improved quality of calls and messages, now with storing systems for keeping important COMMs transponders, and an inbox to retain messages the user might have missed.. While there was still some static, the noise was reduced immensely. In addition, minor video and photo capture capabilities were discovered. Unfortunately, an issue that plagues all WAIV products still affects the manufacturing of WAIV I COMMs units, causing stalls and a slow initial reception of the product.

On top of that, minor user issues continued to accrue, until MagiCOMMs began looking at ways to increase the proficiency of its new mainline devices. PADs and Tablets were initial options, and are still popular for their economy. Eventually, once WAIV/ II hit the market, solving many of the minor bugs and issues with WAIV/ I, reception for the product improved. As the WAIV expanded to include new WAIV/ Sites and user created MODDs, MagiCOMMs saw a new future in their products.

To reflect the company's new standard, they finished their research and development projects with other nations and changed their name to reflect their new line of products. WAIV/CORP is the pilgrim on the frontier of the communications industry, leading the way towards a brighter future with WAIV technology!


Organization & Production

The discovery of WAIV as an energy can be found within the spells of various Cultures within the Epochs. From spells derived from Auramancers to the secrets held by Macromancers and the formulas of the Metamancers throughout the Eras, the patterns and spell lattices for WAIV technology existed at numerous points throughout Time. WAIV as a technology came much later; once MAGI-COMMs became WAIV/CORP, and developed the patents for the WAIV module products and other variants, the technology was integrated with the magic and became much more advanced.

Attuned to the subtle vibration of the world, WAIV/NET was the a pinnacle of success, as not only were devices produced at a factory standard, but it was easier to transmit Data straight into the devices of modern homes. The components required to make COMMs depends on areas of rich, volcanic activity, where the onxy and obsidian are formed by Geomancers and Verdemancers. This special quality to transmute the physical Source into raw components makes all Casters highly valued employees of WAIV/CORP and other such corporate entities.

Typically, Casters are well-known to maintain rights as Corporate Entity Owners (CEOs) of any given organizational structure. They understand the complex rituals involved with crafting these devices. While WAIV/CORP is the most popular and recognizable, other companies, such as WAIV/TECH, have also risen in popularity. Managed by powerful Corporate Agents, these entities create powerful devices that lead the world into a new industry of magical technology. Alchemists and Artificiers are also prized employees, as they are able to quickly construct and modify existing software.These companies are kept alive by aggressive promotional and marketing strategies.


Access & Availability

List of WAIV Products, Pricing, and Functionality
Additional Table & Descriptions of individual products provided in the Side-Bar!

Social Impacts

Almost everyone has a WAIV device of some kind- be it a COMMs unit or a home Console, these devices are found everywhere. Many different kinds of culture, from pop cultures, indie cultures and media cultures, have grown around the use of these products. Users have their own EMOTI language formed of heiroglyphs, bloggers use WAIVsites to communicate on forums and polls, shopping and banking are all done through WAIV transactions, and mass media broadcasters use complicated networks of WAIV devices to reach their desired audiences. Even indie developers have earned acclaim on such sites as WAIViber (or Vibe) and MEMACOMMs.

Music industries benefit from the complexities of the Shaper as a mixer and instrument, and MODDers enjoy the finely-crafted machines they create using the advanced spell-programming and AI UI features.

As the future of magic and technology continues to develop, all kinds of new and exciting WAIV products are constantly increasing the connectiveness and expanding the cultures around WAIV devices. It isn't any wonder that catchy slogans like "Ride the WAIV" and "Find your Vibe" resonates with cultures all around the world!

" WAIV/ CORP products are the best in industry! Get your products from the longest running innovators of WAIV technology! WAIV/ CORP, improving daily life with one quality product at a time! Subscribe today and learn why others are talking about the WAIV!"
— an in-store advertisement on the floor of WAIV/CORP

"Time Crisis"
Deemed a catastrophic event that globally impacted nations, the "Time Crisis" is also known universally as the "WAIV Crisis" and has recently given many customers of these products pause. While few out right blame the companies of these products, customers and clients, stock holders, and millions of others all watched a dramatic change in the industry in the aftermath of this event. While many lost their lives, others were lost in Time, never to be heard from by their loved ones again; thus, these companies have had to withstand public ridicule despite their great advancements and the devices they have created.

In response, research & development into an advanced effort across Time to reclaim those lost souls has been considered and is currently underway. Known as Project: WAIV/ FINDERS, the corporations involved look forward to returning to a relative state of normalcy despite the event.

Until then, portals across Time have appeared, resulting in confusion and chaos. Visitors from out of Time, entities from other Worlds, and Doppelgangers are all known to use these means to travel between the realities of the Past and Present. It has been determined that Travelers can't proceed into the Future; there are currently no means.

"Ride the WAIV!"

"Experience the UD WAIV/COMM X!"

"Call, Text, and Video- anywhere!"

Expanded Section-
Access & Availability

WAIV Products

Standard COMMs, PADS & Tablets
These basic devices performs a single function rather well. COMMs are able to send and receive voice calls and mesages. PADs are able to access the WAIV and send or receive text messages or video, but not audio. Tablets blend the basic features but are notorious for incredibly long charge times (4 hours, 2 hour charge time).

The WAIV/ COMM is the most common form of WAIV device, as it is ergonomical as well as economical compared to other devices. It can call and send text or video, includes user-defined features and advanced predictive systems. The Ultra Deluxe models are the most expensive, but they give the user a wide variety of options.

WAIV/ Casters & Consoles
The WAIV/ Caster was once a rare model, as the film-quality of the video capture technology in its process made exceptional movies and clips. Now, it has been made into a handheld device, much more common and practical. The WAIV/ Consoles were also enhanced, turning what were old receivers into fully integrated WAIV devices, capable of similar functions as earlier WAIV devices with added improvements on the core design. People tend to either have a reception model, for home viewing, or a performance model, for WAIV interaction.

The WAIV/ Shaper is an enhanced model that is favored by Casters for its fully optimized Spell-programming capabilities. Top of the market, the WAIV/ Shaper allows for a fully immersive user experience, with advanced AI imprinting technology, this machine is able to produce extraordinary effects through the power of magical and technological programming.

WAIV/ Cameras & Printers
The WAIV/ Printer was the first of its design and as such, is quite common. Cameras became popular due to their portability and convenience. Now, 3D Printers are able to render full objects, in resins or molds, or other materials such as metal.

"Great deals on new Products!"

Mentioned Articles

Items & Tools

Item | Dec 28, 2023

WAIV/ Caster
Item | Dec 28, 2023

WAIV/ Shaper
Item | Dec 28, 2023

WAIV/ Console
Item | Apr 4, 2024

WAIV/ Camera & Printer
Item | Dec 28, 2023


Time Crisis
Plot | May 21, 2024

Time is running out! Stop the Vandals!

Author Bio
Hello! My name is "Myth Cross"- avid enthusiast of Art, Music, Games, & Stories; also, an aspiring Author, Game Developer, & World- Builder with over 15 years dedicated to the crafts!

My mission is to push the boundaries of interactive Story-Telling! Whether exploring Hidden Realms or seeking Epic Adventures, you'll find me there! My hopes are to invite readers into a World of unforgettable experience!

"Arc Sagas" is my 1st Step towards those Goals!

I'm also the Founder of "Story-Teller's Circle"- a Discord server specialized and dedicated to a vibrant & inspiring community of self-driven WA Writers & World-Builders!! We support each other's goals and celebrate the milestones of our fellow Authors, encourage others to share their work, to seek publishing and promotional opportunities, and otherwise provide a safe, friendly environment for developing ideas & embracing your own talents! We don't boast- we Celebrate!

"Story-Teller's Circle" is dedicated to fostering the next Generation of Fantasy Writers, right here on World Anvil! Discover new worlds, unlock hidden truths, and explore the heights of your own boundless imagination- with friends!

We are looking for new members! If you're interested, just lmk below! It's my pleasure to make your acquaintance!

Best of Good Luck, World-Builders! Let's meet again! : D



Author's Notes


WAIV technology was a neat addition to the Modern Era of the Arc Sagas' Home World, Pathon! As a blend of magic and technology, the communication sciences of this setting are based not in electricity but MAGIC. More specifically, the Source, inherit in all things- from macro to the micro.

Since this setting explores Time Travel, it's interesting to note that WAIV devices will still work in the Past! Since it works based off of the "World Arcane Interweb Vibration", which is measurable at any age, as it is a collection of all the spiritual energy in Pathon! So, a COMM in the past should work! Even though the structures for it aren't there, as long as the device is charged, you're good! You obviously can't call the future from the past... or, can you? ^^

WAIV Tech is an interesting development! I'm sure I'll have fun making pseudo-advertisements and products in the future! : D


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Dec 28, 2023 19:05 by Joella Kay

Nice article. I love the CEO = Corporate Entity Owner.

Dec 28, 2023 19:20 by Myth Cross

THANK YOU! : D That was actually a fun little detail! I looked it up because I had forgotten what it had meant, and it reads, "Cheif Executive Officer". Corporations will look slightly different in Arc Sagas and I thought the name could reflect that! TYSVM! Great day!


Tell me stories! Here's your Ticket to the World of Arc Sagas!

May 22, 2024 13:31

I like the updates you've been making! Looks great!

May 22, 2024 15:21 by Myth Cross

^^ Thanks, Demon! Im looking at some Design specific stuff today! Appreciate you! : D


Tell me stories! Here's your Ticket to the World of Arc Sagas!