00.01- Cataclysm & Oblivion

Disaster / Destruction


The Cataclysm was the result of the Galaxia Loci consuming All Life. As the Gods of those realms were destroyed in turn, their divine spirits fell into a collapsing and ruined realm called Oblivion. One by one, these new entities, the Eidolons, were driven to madness, falling upon each other in a savage blood lust, until only one remained.
*** Author's Note ***

Timeline Dates are WIP and are representative of the flow of time and events, rather than a literal list of dated events. "The Cosmic Pantheon" is an attempt to organize those events and to provide an interesting narrative flow. Enjoy! : D


All- Life had perished, and with that catastrophe, a great Cataclysm marked the end of a now- forgotten era. At the wake of the colossal Galaxia Loci, a wave of destruction quaked the cosmos beneath the serpent's massive weight. As the souls of the Dead gathered in countless hordes into the Ley Anima, the spiritual domains of the Gods also crumbled into nothingness. The Ley Anima was diminishing and those souls at its borders were lost into the same empty void that swallowed the Gods and their myriad creations. While the last of the animistic Avatars, attendants of Amede, found haven in Anima, the finite realm existed for others as crossing. With nowhere left to go, the souls were drawn into the darkest swells of a temporary realm born of Death and loss, Oblivion. Amede's concerns continued to grow as the Galaxia Loci wracked both heavens and cosmos.

Oblivion was formed of the ruins of old worlds and civilizations. Twisted shapes and broken structures cast in eerie, glowing darkness silhouette the landscape beneath a bloody, ethereal sky glistened with the sick light of dead stars. In the carnage of that place, those deities that shared the divine soul, or Auresole, were melded into new, individual beings. Referred to as "Eidolons", these entities were influenced by chaotic energies of destruction and primal rites of creation. They searched for conflict with others who shared their Auresole, to assimilate their divine power. Many deities and entities rose from the Cataclysm of Dead Eidolons.

Of the Eidolons, one was said to possess the immense power of the Sun. Weak souls evaporated into nothingness beneath the press of it's crushing light while cruel apparitions bled from its shadow. As a being of Light and immense strength, the Eidolon represented dead suns and crushed many as it ravaged the wrathful skies over Oblivion. Highly self- aware amongst the others, this Eidolon fought through the Cataclysm until the birth of the 1st new celestial sun. As the rays of the 1st Sun burst through the warped sky of the otherworldly Oblivion, the Sun Eidolon ascended through the Light and Shadows. Like an egg, the it incubated inside the Sun and was gloriously reborn into the Corpus as the newborn sun, Ao.

The Nameless King is also a fabled survivor of the Cataclysm. As the Eidolons indulged their bloodlusts, the Nameless King moved through the ravages of the realm as he avoided countless encounters with mindless Eidolons. A divine soul of champions who once observed realms between realms, the Nameless King also witnessed Ao's ascension. A door of radiant Light presented itself to the Nameless King in the throes of lethal conflict with an aggressive Eidolon. The Nameless King stepped through this radiant arc and into the Realms of Light and Shadow, where evil and malice was cast from him as a malignant shadow. The Nameless King emerged from a path of Light and flowers bloomed from the tears of a Goddess, the Warden of the Ley Anima, Amede.

Of the deities of death and destruction, a powerful Death Eidolon scoured the edges of Oblivion and attempted to usurp Oah's Life. When Oah was crushed in the maws of the Galaxia Loci, it grasped his ankles and attempted to draw the Father Martyr into Oblivion. With Oah's divine power, the Death God could have escaped the cycle of Life and Death. However, Amede intervened by breaking the Eidolon's wrists and severing the grasp upon Oah's Heart. Thwarted by the Warden of Souls, the Death Eidolon was forced to return to Oblivion. In it's absence, Oblivion had changed.

The Death Eidolon returned to Oblivion as a new entity- the Death God, Mulmot. Though it lacked it Hands, the skeletal Mulmot roamed Oblivion, absorbing the Auresole of the final Death Eidolons. Mulmot encountered the victor at the end of the Cataclysm of Dead Eidolon. Mulmot would be dominated by another entity; the strongest and most savage of the Eidolons after Ao's ascension.

Sebut Sekt, Goddess of Destruction, "Lady of Entropies". She caused havoc and bewilderment as an Eidolon, devouring the remaining Auresoles. Gorged, the world around her continued to change as she began an ascendant metamorphosis inside a cocoon of carnage. For Aeon she slept in a Godly torpor known as the Walking Dream, shedding undesireable parts of herself to reform as new Eidolon. These beings feared or revered her, but were nonetheless abandoned by her, for she was no Goddess of Creation but one of rampant lethal possibilities. She renamed the domain with bindings, giving it the name, Overworld, a place of anarchy and danger, accumulating lost souls and twisting them into new forms..

Weak from her ascension, Sebut Sekt's Walking Dream allowed her to expand her consciousness into Overworld and beyond. She sensed the light of Life beyond the Anima, ebbing within the Ley Corpus, where her spiritual and divine body could take hideous form. As she slept, she formed a diabolical plot to infiltrate the Ley Corpus and expand her Overworld.

Sebut Sekt is not a Goddess of Creation; the entities called the Eidolons shouldn't exist, their forms and anatomies proving this. Countless new Eidolon spawned from her dreams but due to their own destructive nature, they were prone to fighting amongst themselves. Eidolons have their own destructive wills but they each fear and revere Sebut Sekt. Her earliest monstrosities were able to infiltrate the Ley Corpus, leaving behind terrible progeny or dominating entire planets. Until she could gather her divine energy, the hideous Sebut Sekt lurk beneath the scarred, starry sky and await her opportunity.

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