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Redash Khazoum

Redash Khazoum

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thin and lithe, with narrow shoulders, Redash boasts an unimpressive physique by most Garundi standards. What little muscle mass the wizard has, he does not bear it gracefully.

Facial Features

A narrow jawline is accented with a pathetic stubble that just won't seem to grow out, even with magical stimulants, much to Redash's dismay.

Identifying Characteristics

Redash can easily be spotted by his messy brown ponytail, his spectacles, and his blue robe.

Physical quirks

The man tends to move his head about quickly when he speaks, with the movements becoming faster and more sudden the more excited he becomes.

Apparel & Accessories

Redash wears a pair of spectacles at all times to help him combat his nearsightedness. He always brings a second pair on an out-of-town excursion, though he rarely manages to return with both intact.
He also is always found wearing silken robes of varying shades of grey that bear cultural Rahadoumi patterns, and always wears his camelskin boots, even when indoors. The blue cloak he wears is his magical Robe of Infinite Twine, that bears decorative blue patterns of Qadiran make.
Redash is never found far from his personalized copy of the Poleiheira which doubles as his bonded spell book. Despite his forgetful nature, he NEVER forgets this item.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Redash, while the child of impoverished farmers, managed to find admittance and funding to attend the Occularium, Rahadoum's premier academy for Engineering and Arcane Studies. He studied their for five years prior to his eventual expulsion on the grounds of possessing prohibited religious documents, which also directly led to his exile.


Redash has operated as a Caravan escort for a myriad of different companies, and has never liked one enough to remain for more than a month in their employ. There was one instance in which he was employed as a Chelish Count's Court Mage, but this lasted less than a week due to the position being forced upon Redash as an alternative punishment for a petty crime. His guard attache was not ready for the wizard's bag of tricks.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Redash has personally catalogued and dated multiple Jistkan artifacts that are now held in display at the Occularium in Manaket.
Redash is one of the youngest students admitted to the Occularium at the age of 16, and was the only one in his class to be admitted purely on recommendation by a member of Occularium staff.
Redash traversed the length of the Avistani coast from Chellish Corentyn to Taldan Oppara in less than a year.

Mental Trauma

Redash has always been an outcast, even among his own people. This was exacerbated further when he was exiled from his own home. He desperately wants to be liked, and to have steadfast friends, however, he goes about this by playing himself as a fool. In his experience, people feel more at ease around idiots, as it makes them feel more confident in their own intelligence, and as a result they wish to keep around this fool.

Morality & Philosophy

Redash values his own freedom to do as he pleases and despises those who would force their will upon him. As a rule, he will go out of his way to spite any who try to make him submit, only making an exception if he happens to agree with the course of action, or if he is trying to impress or deceive such an individual.

Beyond this, he also values the accumulation of knowledge, magic, and lore. Knowledge is power, and with power one can change the world. But to that end, power hoarded is power wasted. If you have knowledge, use it. And if you won't use it, sell it to someone who will.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Redash is skilled at logical thinking, lateral applications of magic,

Vices & Personality flaws

Redash is an incredibly forgetful person, who often forgets valuables or other items of import at the drop of a hat. Rarely has Redash left a tavern and not returned a few hours later to recover some pouch, book, or other article.


Redash has relatively lax standards of hygiene, though this is largely due to the extensive periods of time he found himself traveling without the wealth to afford a proper bath. However, he uses a handful of spell to freshen up and unsoil his clothing to make up for this.


Contacts & Relations

Redash has met a handful of adventurers he would happily call upon for aid or a favor. Most notably are the Dark Paladin Solomon and the Inquisitor of Cayden Cailean, Matilda. Additionally, in Rahadoum, he had a friend and mentor in the brass dragon A'kali'sha'ra, though he hasn't heard from her in some time.

Family Ties

He has a living Mother and Father back in mainland Rahadoum, though he has long since fallen out of touch with them. Other family members, distant or otherwise, have never been present in his life, though they are out there.

Religious Views

Redash is an Atheist, as are all Rahadoumi.

Social Aptitude

Redash struggles with rhetoric, despite his classic schooling in the subject. His thoughts are often communicated messily and in an unappealing way.


Redash often rambles about subjects he likes and will prattle on until someone stops him or changes the subject. He often tries to intersperse his commentary about his surroundings with brief snippets and anecdotes about his own adventures.

Hobbies & Pets

Redash loves to draw, be it a sketch or a beautifully detailed map. Additionally, he enjoys discussing the Jistka Imperium as well as other long fallen empires in tremendous detail.


Redash speaks Taldane with a thick Rahadoumi accent that often makes him hard to understand. Not to mention he often mixes up phrases in Taldane, further causing confusion.

Wealth & Financial state

Redash has a handful of magic items left to his name, as well as just over one thousand gold pieces.

A weird, physically unimpressive man from godless Rahadoum who more than makes up for his awkwardness and strange mannerisms with his impressive intellect and stunning capacity to recall an anecdote for almost any situation.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
13th of Rova, 4689
Manaket, Rahadoum
Current Residence
Unnamed Inn, Mytilene
Pale Grey
Clay Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, Lightly Tanned
5 ft 7 in
171 lbs
Known Languages
Taldane (Common), Osiriani, Ancient Jistka, Giant, Elvish, Draconic, and Infernal


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