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Session 24: The Bovine Burglary and the Cuban Boys

General Summary

Having met the goblin salesman Birdbrain, and getting into a little trouble with the deck of many things, the party found themselves with extra company. The armour-suited golden dragonborn introduced himself as Ren, and declared that he would be allegiant to Balasar and his aims. Balasar quickly bonded with Ren, excited to have a fellow scaled friend, but the others were a little untrustworthy, particularly Nydyr and Moses.   The gang headed back to The Good Eye, with plans to depart for Artesia, as the pressing problem of Balasar's father, Viphantez, was beginning to become particularly apparent. In a hurry to get their dinosaurs and bid their friends adieu, Silvia invited the party to breakfast, an offer which they could hardly refuse. The breakfast was wholesome and filling, with Ren nearly scoffing every last bit, before Balasar had the sense to gather some for the journey. They said goodbye the Ursula, Ester, and Silvia, and addressed respective various tasks around the city, necessary before their departure.   Moses, eager to be a little cleaned up, went to a nearby bathhouse, where he met a phony employee and indulged in the fine soaps that the establishment had to offer.   Nydyr, Balasar and Ren set off to locate some food, both for the incrementally-growing party and the dinosaurs. After collecting a little food from a nearby butchery, they decided a more cost-efficient method would be to locate a farm on the outskirts of town and alleviate a farmer of several of his cows. The three made their way to a paddock in which approximately twenty cows, a little thinner and gaunter than expected, grazed. Nydyr, ever the charm, entered the farmhouse to find an impoverished old man, who told him of his milk shortages. During this somewhat misogynistic interaction, the two dragonborn leaped the fence and, through some clever maneuvering and animal handling, retrieved a total of six cows.   Whilst this was going on, Massimiliano and Samuel located Max's most frequented herbalist. Max gathered several of his spell components, and, perhaps mistakenly, inquired about possession, the school of Corposatum, and the old gods. Though the young shopkeeper showed him to a collection of tomes, their interaction abruptly ended, as the young boy ordered an elven crownsguard to interrogate Max. Fortunately, the gnome got away successfully.   Samuel suggested that the group take some kind of package or cargo with them, seeing as they were heading to Viso anyway, and gold could be helpful. Recalling a merchant post a short ways away from the city outskirts, they planned to visit it on their way out of the city.   The gang met back behind The Good Eye, where they presented their respective findings. After deliberating over how to deal with or transport the bovines, Nydyr and Balasar decided to slit their throats, covering an unfortunate Moses with blood. Traumatised, Moses rushed back into The Good Eye and bought some clean clothes off the half-orc prostitute's back for a small price.   After a little infighting, the gang headed out of town, leaving Silvia with Ursula and Ester, along with one dino baby, Mogi. As they flew past the outskirts of Bel Tocino, leaving the tent city behind them, they noticed the colourful tent that served as a merchant outpost of sorts. They descending down to the outpost, realising that they could probably sell the baby dinosaurs for a decent price. The merchant outpost was busy with a variety of establishments selling food, cloth, magical items, and more shady elements. The gang entered the tent, past the camels and people gambling that adorned the front entrance.   Inside, Ekxus, Moses, Balasar, and Nydyr located a man willing to buy the two baby dinosaurs from them. With the help of some of his fellow villagers and a particularly persuasive argument about farming capability from Moses, they managed to secure a total of 1000 gold (I think). Meanwhile, Max and Sam found a businessman in the process of repeatedly signing pieces of parchment. Max negotiated with the man, named Leomund de Vilma, to transport a small silver enchanted casket, roughly the size of a shoebox, to the royal palace in Viso. During his negotiations, Max attempted simple magic to mend a broken cup, but found, unfortunately, that his magical abilities were absent. Despite this, Vilma agreed to giving Max 1000 gold, and 3000 more upon completion, providing that he sign a document with his blood, and, under no circumstances, look inside the box.   Balasar then went to a blacksmith, and, with his newly-acquired income, purchased a Sword of Sharpness. At the blacksmith, Sam attempted to buy a chain headdress of sorts, but had a little difficulty communicating the concept to the dwarven woman who owned the stall. Max bought a shield and armour from the same establishment. Moses chose to get his clothes cleaned at an establishment named 'Fabrezio's Fabriques', run by a charismatic but a little icky tall elven being named Fabrezio, who posessed long blonde hair and an ornate red coat. Fabrezio and his employees (each HUMAN boys, no Cuban boys were harmed in the making of this fantasy sweatshop) magically cleaned Moses' clothing, and asked for a total of 20 gold in return. Instead of agreeing upon the price, Moses made another sort of deal, but got back at Fabrezio by kicking their pot plant over and defacing their sign. Nydyr also purchased a scroll of Disguise Self for 30ish(?) gold pieces.   Max attempted to hide the fact that he had made the deal with Vilma, anxious that the gang would try to open the box, but they eventually sussed him out.   Happy with their purchases, the gang reunited in the centre of the merchant outpost, richer, and, potentially, in a little more danger than before.

Rewards Granted

Balasar - Sword of Sharpness: 
+2 damage. When you roll a 20 on the attack roll, that target takes an extra 4d6 slashing damage. Then roll another d20. If you roll a 20, you lop off one of the target’s limbs, with the effect of such loss determined by the GM. If the creature has no limb to sever, you lop off a portion of its body instead.
This blade also has a faint blue glow to the hilt, and the base of the sword is inscribed with various runes.    Moses - set of clothes, consisting of basic studded leather armour (AC=12+DEX MOD)   Nydyr - scroll of Disguise Self (single use) Reading out the words on this scrolls allows the user to cast the Disguise Self spell once.   Max - Shield (+2 to AC) and armour (unsure of what kind)   The Party - 6 x cow carcasses, silver enchanted box with unknown contents. Also a whole bunch of cash but I can't keep track of that. The party was given about 2040 gold? Both deals, and Ren's money.

Character(s) interacted with

Ren, Ursula, Ester, Silvia, elderly male human farmer, Fabrizio, Leomund de Vilma, elderly male wizard salesman, male villager, female dwarf blacksmith
Report Date
17 Oct 2020
Primary Location

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