
The Oriq is a secret society of mages on Arcavios who use magics "forbidden by the colleges of Strixhaven," and are obsessed with power at any cost.


Duels to the death, stealthy assassinations, infiltrating institutions full of mages, and blood rituals, the Oriq agenda is dangerous and taxing, so the organization frequently needs new members. Oriq agents actively seek out and recruit promising mages, and one of their favorite hunting grounds is Strixhaven. An Oriq agent will frequently reach out to powerful but underperforming mages or students who have fallen through the cracks of the institution, using illusion magic and deception to hide their Oriq identity. A student doesn't typically know they're being groomed for Oriq recruitment, they only see that they're being invited to an exclusive engagement by an alluring and complimentary stranger. And then when the mage is at their most vulnerable, they are offered the mask.


The Oriq are mostly mages who couldn't pass the entrance exam of Strixhaven or drop-outs. They argue that Strixhaven is controlling access to magic on Arcavios and that the world would be better off without it. If they destroy the university, they believe that anyone anywhere in the world could practice magic and the influence of the Founder Dragons would be negated. The Oriq are usually dressed in dark clothes, with metal masks hovering where their faces should be. One of their most powerful tools are the Mage Hunters, horrifying creatures from the continent of Galathul that can sense magic.

The Oriq reside far from Strixhaven but often infiltrate the university looking for spells and recruits for their dark schemes. Oriq agents use deception, stealth, and their darkly powerful brand of magic in pursuit of their sinister goals.


The Oriq take pains to hide their true allegiance and wear masks to hide their identities. These masks have magical properties that function only for their intended wearers.


Narr was in consideration for elevation to the role of Oracle of Strixhaven, but when the Founder Dragons passed him over in favor of Jadzi, his bitterness knew no bounds. He now uses the Oriq to gather the spells and magical energy he needs to summon a devastating being, the Blood Avatar, to destroy Strixhaven.
Secret, Occult
Notable Members


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