The Basalisk

General Summary

Alexander and Eldar met together and discovered that two of their friends are missing. They found Mivinda Sharpbeak talking to an astral elf planes walker. They found out that Grayson was found and was petrified. They left but not before hearing that the planeswalker wanted to make sure the school was okay after the Phyrexian invasion.

Pangea, Ethan, and Aries discoverd that Ethan's friend Dewdrop was turned to stone. Pangea and Aries searched for Eldar and Alexander and got some stew from Gynome. Mavinda pointed them to the Biblioplex. Ethan got his friend Dewdrop unpetrifed at the infermary and then went to the library. Eldar and Alexander learned about petrification and what creatures could cause such a thing.

The three groups met up and compaired notes. And agreed to go after the Basalisk. As they went to the pillar drop they found Mewlythorn alive and well. He was acting odd. After agreeing not to tell Mewlythorn explained that he tried to raise the basalisk as a pet however it got lose and is wreking havoc over campus. They teamed up to put a stop to it. Dewshrewm got petrifed by the basalisk and Pangea almost did too. Alexander went down in the fight. And Pangea delt the final blow to it.

Character(s) interacted with

Melywthorn, Mevinda Sharpbeak,


One of the Statues was Triquestine and 1 unamed 4th year sudent along with Quentilius's brother Antilius.


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