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It is a country, more like a small empire but is essentially a big place. It is not that futuristic, however some of the residents there have magic, or have some sort of magical ability. It is based on the mysteriousness and endearing nature of tarot cards, however it is not explicitly mentioned.   Each resident - or maybe each resident in the higher classes; related to the High Court or something, is grouped into a different House, depending on their abilities etc. The Houses are based upon the tarot cards, i.e the House of Magicians, and the House of Lovers. Each play a specific role. Not all of the tarot cards are Houses with people presiding in them, for example the card Strength. Perhaps that will just be an allocated skill to one of the other houses.   The House in charge will be called a Court or a Castle. They will have the Empress and Emperor and then their children, the Prince/Princesses and then the Crown Prince.   It is a jovial kind of place, not futuristic but having some old-fashioned charm. Perhaps there might be advanced tech present, or tech will be nonexistent.

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