Ellie the Enchanted Herbalist

Masterwork Herbalism Tools 55gp Tools required to perform Herbalism tasks. +2 to Herbalism checks. 1
Tome of Herbalism +2 800gp More of Ellie's Teachings. A permanent +2 bonus to Herbalism, does not stack with the lower level tome. 7
+1 Herbalism Tools 900gp +3 to Herbalism Checks 9
Cure Light Wounds Sap CL5 250gp 1d8+5 per round for 3 rounds, may be thrown as a grenade 100
Cure Moderate Wounds Sap CL3 300gp 2d8+3 per round for 3 rounds, may be thrown as a grenade 87
Cure Moderate Wounds Sap CL4 400gp 2d8+4 per round for 3 rounds, may be thrown as a grenade 100
Cure Moderate Wounds Sap CL5 500gp 2d8+5 per round for 3 rounds, may be thrown as a grenade 100
HD 2 Summoning nut 100gp May summon a 2HD plant of the user's choice 100
Cure Moderate Wounds Sap CL6 600gp 2d8+6 per round for 3 rounds, may be thrown as a grenade 100
Dose of Djinn Blossom Perfume 400gp 94
Cure Moderate WOunds Sap CL7 700gp 2d8+7 per round for 3 rounds, may be thrown as a grenade 90
Nahre Lotus Grenade 200gp Poison grenade vs plants. Fort save 12. Initial damage death, secondary damage 2d6 con. 100
Potted Aelfengrape Vine 100gp 90
+2 Herbalist's Tools 2,500gp +5 Bonus to Herbalism Checks 10
TOme of Herbalism +3 1,800gp More of Ellie's Teachings. A permanent +3 bonus to Herbalism, does not stack with the lower level tome. 9
Cure Moderate Wounds Sap CL8 800gp 2d8+8 per round for 3 rounds, may be thrown as a grenade 90
+3 Herbalist's Tools 4,900gp +7 Bonus to Herbalism Checks 10
Cure Serious Wounds Sap CL5 750gp 3d8+5 per round for 3 rounds, may be thrown as a grenade 98
Cure Moderate Wounds Sap CL9 900gp 2d8+9 per round for 3 rounds, may be thrown as a grenade 100
Cure Moderate Wounds Sap CL10 1,000gp 2d8+10 per round for 3 rounds, may be thrown as a grenade 98
Nahre Seedling 500gp Once mature produces clean water direct from the plane of water(Nahre Lotus) 10
Djinn Fern 2,000gp (Djinn Blossoms) 10
Djinn Blossom 3,000gp (Djinn Blossoms) 10
Cure Serious Wounds Sap CL6 900gp 3d8+6 per round for 3 rounds, may be thrown as a grenade 100
Cure Serious Wounds Sap CL7 1,050gp 3d8+7 per round for 3 rounds, may be thrown as a grenade 100
Cure Serious Wounds Sap CL8 1,200gp 3d8+8 per round for 3 rounds, may be thrown as a grenade 95
+4 Herbalism Tools 8,100gp +9 to Herbalism Checks 10
Death's Head Tekkil Fruit 500gp A self-propelled flying fruit that attacks anyone found to be in a range. Occasionally turns them into undead. 30
Cure Serious Wounds Oil CL9 1,350gp 3d8+9 per round for 3 rounds, may be thrown as a grenade 100
Cure Serious Wounds Oil CL10 1,500gp 3d8+10 per round for 3 rounds, may be thrown as a grenade 100
Cure Serious Wounds Oil CL 11 1,650gp 3d8+11 per round for 3 rounds, may be thrown as a grenade 100
Cure Serious WOunds Oil CL 12 1,800gp 3d8+12 per round for 3 rounds, may be thrown as a grenade 55
+5 Herbalist's Tools 12,100gp +11 to Herbalism Skill Checks 10
+6 Herbalist's Tools 16,900 +13 to Herbalism Skill Checks 10
+7 Herbalist's Tools 22,500gp +15 to Herbalism Skill Checks 10
Djinn Blossoms Bulb 10,000gp Can produce 1d4+2 plants 10
Nahre Lotus Plant 10,000gp - 10
Silver Orevine 5,000gp Plant keyed to the elemental plane of earth. Will grow ore lumps worth about 1,000gp of silver in a month. 10
+8 Herbalist's Tools 28,900 +17 to herbalism skill checks 10
+9 Herbalist's Tools 36,100gp +19 to Herblism Skill Checks 10
Tome of Herbalism +4 3,200gp Permanent +4 to Craft(Herbalism) Does not stack with other skill tomes 10
Cure Serious Wounds Sap CL13 1,950gp 3d8+13 Fast Heal for 3 rounds 100
Gold Orevine 5,000gp Will grow ore lumps worth about 1,000gp of gold in a month. 10
Platinum Orevine 10,000gp Will grow ore lumps worth about 2,000gp of platinum a month 10
Mithral Orevine 10,000gp Will grow ore lumps worth about 2,000gp of platinum a month 10
Salamander Orchids 2,500gp A plant tied to the elemental plane of fire 10
Cure Serious Wounds Sap CL14 2,100gp 3d8+14 Fast Heal for 3 rounds 100
Cure Serious Wounds Sap CL15 2,250gp 3d8+15 Fast Heal for 3 rounds 100
Dark Brown
Long, Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Mild tan