Fasan Mosk

E.W.A.T. Agent Fasan Mosk

StockItem NamePriceDescription
100x Square Foot of Canvas 1sp -
97x Ink Pen 1sp -
100x Pint of Oil 1sp
100x Common Lamp 1sp A lamp clearly illuminates a 15-foot radius, provides shadowy illumination out to a 30-foot radius, and burns for 6 hours on a pint of oil. You can carry a lamp in one hand.
100x 10 foot Pole 2sp -
100x Basket 4sp Holds 2 cubic foot
100x Hammer 5sp Tool. not a weapon
100x Sewing Needle 5sp -h
100x Trail Rations 5sp per day
100x Iron Pot 5sp 1 gallon
100x Bucket 5sp 1 cubic foot
99x Winter Blanket 5sp
100x 1 pound of soap 5sp +2 on successive saves vs disease(10 use)
100x Signal Whistle 8sp
94x Grappling Hook 1gp
100x Snowshoes 1gp
99x Flint and Steel 1gp
98x Caltrops 1gp
99x Sledge 1gp
100x Belt Pouch 1gp 1/5th cubic foot
93x Ink/Potion Vial 1gp 1 ounce
96x Hemp Rope 1gp
85x Filter Mask 1gp Single Use, +2 saves on inhales toxins or diseases
95x Tinder Twig 1gp
96x Waterskin 1gp 1/2 Gallon
100x Artisan's Outfit 1gp
100x Belt Pouch 1gp
99x 50 foot roll of twine 1sp
99x Flour Pouch 1sp
99x Lard 2sp
100x Listening Cone 8sp
100x Sealing Wax 1gp
100x Bell 1gp
100x Map/scroll case 1gp
100x Traveler's Outfit 1gp
99x Snow Goggles 2gp
100x Flotation Bladder 2gp
100x Potion Bladder 2gp
99x Crowbar 2gp
95x Sunrod 2gp
100x Merchant's Scales 2gp +2 Circumstance bonus on appraisal checks involving items that are valued by weight.
100x Empty Chest 2gp
100x Backpack 2gp Holds 1 cubic foot
100x Barrel 2gp
96x Shovel 2gp
99x Rubber Ball 3gp
100x Entertainer's Outfit 3gp
96x Miner's Pick 3gp
100x Parasol 3gp
100x Winter Fullcloth 4gp
100x Fishing Net 4gp
100x Common Hacksaw 5gp
97x Wood Drill 5gp
96x Finder's Chalk 5gp
100x Block and Tackle 5gp
100x Rubbing Kit 5gp
99x Crampons 5gp
98x EWAT Signet Ring 5gp
97x Finger Chain Saw 5gp
100x Tactical Vest 5gp
98x Stone Drill 5gp
100x Spell Component Pouch 5gp Contains all the common and generic spell components valued at less than 1gp
100x Cleric's Vestments 5gp
100x Monk's OUtfit 5gp
100x Scholar's Outfit 5gp
100x Desert Outfit 6gp
100x Hooded Lantern 7gp
100x Fur Clothing 8gp
100x Ounce of Black Ink 8gp
100x Cold Weather Outfit 8gp
100x Crookneck Lantern 9gp
98x Iron Drill 10gp
100x Float Bladder 10gp A airproof flexible container that can be filled to provide boyancy to another object or person.
100x Wheeled Skates 10gp To GLIDE across smooth surfaces. Or die on rough surfaces.
99x Sun Lenses 10gp Glass, but slightly burnt. Mostly so your eyes won't be.
99x Small Steel Mirror 10gp Polished until it looks back at you.
100x Mobile Brace 10gp This small staff can extend and lock at anylength from 5 to 11 feet. It is commonly used to make a sturdybrace across a passage, granting a sure purchase for one or moreropes. A properly set brace can support up to 400 pounds ofweight (less if the walls are soft, slippery, crumbling, or otherwiseoffer unsure purchase). Setting a brace allows characters tosecurely set a rope or grappling hook where doing so would nor-mally be impossible. Adventuring groups can send a skilledclimber or jumper to negotiate tricky ascents or dangerous falls,set a brace on the far side of the obstacle, and then give lessnimble characters something to hang on to while they cross thedangerous area.
99x Silk Rope 10gp Rope, but silkier. Also stronger.
100x Common Musical Instrument 5gp Negates the -2 for improvised instruments
100x Portable Ram 10gp
80x Acid Flask 10gp
100x Tent 10gp
100x Explorer's Outfit 10gp
100x Oilskin Suit 10gp
99x Bullseye Lantern 12gp
100x Skis and Poles 15gp
100x Frame Wheel 15gp
99x Swimming Goggles 15gp
99x Tricorn Hat 15gp
100x Snowshoes 15gp
100x Rope Climber 15gp
100x Manacles 15gp
100x Blank Wizard's Spellbook 15gp Contains all level 0 wizard's spells
100x Sledge 15gp
100x Cart 15gp Weighs 200lb, carriesd 1000lb, 2 wheeled, drawn by a single horse
100x Ounce of Colored Ink 16gp
100x Magnet 20gp
100x Superior Hacksaw 20gp
100x Collapsible Pole 20gp
95x Stonebreaker Acid 20gp
100x Very Simple Lock 20gp
96x Heatsuit OUtfit 20gp
100x Smokestick 20gp
95x Woodripper Acid 20gp
100x Sled 20gp Weight 300lb, Carries 2000lb, railed 'wagon' drawn by 2 horses
100x Holy Water 25gp
100x Silver Holy Symbol 25gp
100x Hourglass 25gp
100x Air Plant 25gp
100x Duster Coat 25gp
100x Ironbane Acid 30gp
100x Waking Herbs 30gp
100x 10ft of Chain 30gp
100x Thunderstone 30gp
100x Courtier's Outfit 30gp
100x Thieve's Tools 30gp
100x Wagon 35gp Weight 400lb, carriers 4000lb, four wheeled vehicle, drawn by 2 horses
100x Average Lock 40gp
100x Grappling Ladder 40gp
100x Armor Lubricant 40gp
100x Distillation Kit 50gp
100x Stinkpot 50gp
100x Hand Periscope 50gp
100x Masterwork Manacles 50gp
100x Bicorne Hat 50gp
100x Tanglefoot Bag 50gp
100x Antitoxin 50gp
100x Disguise Kit 50gp
100x Healer's Kit 50gp
100x Standard Wagon Shield 75gp A wagon on which there are several tower shields. The wagon is moved into position and used for cover from potential enemy fire.
100x Oars 2gp
100x Acid Injector 75gp -
100x Bit and Bridle 2gp -
100x Saddlebags 4gp
100x Noble's Outfit 75gp Fancy pants. A shirt too. Rarely skirts.
100x Good Lock 80gp This lock doesn't suck
100x Sand Tube 80gp Iron tube filled with fine sand, crew on caps on each end.
100x Climber's Kit 80gp +2 circumstance bonus on Climb Checks
100x Magnetic Compass 100gp Don't use in lightning storms
100x Sniper Wagon Shield 100gp Like a wagon shield, but archer slits to make shooting back easier.
100x Magnifying Glass 100gp +2 circumstance bonus on appraise checks involving any small or highly detailed items.
100x Carriage 100gp Weight 600gp, transport as many as 4 people with an enclosed cap, plus 2 drivers. Drawn by 2 horses.
100x Masterwork Thieves' tools 100gp +2 Circumstance Bonus on Disable Device and Open Lock checks.
100x Everburning Torch 110gp It burns unhotly
100x Amazing Lock 150gp It really is
100x Crystal Caltrops 150gp May break off in a wound.
100x Royal Outfit 200gp Extra Snooty, Extra smooth
100x Adamantine Drill 200gp Harder than your uncle's cigar box.

Mental characteristics


Daylights as a merchant between EWAT duties.

This human man is the party's first benefactor upon reaching Easthaven, and their first sponsor towards an official status as registered adventurers.

Current Location
Easthaven: Merchant's Harbor District
View Character Profile
light brown, trimmed short
Aligned Organization