Haleon Thorncrest, the Quartermaster

Array TypeCostQuantityContents
Riding Array 115gp, 1sp 4 Bit and bridle
Feed (10 days)
Riding saddle
Flint and steel
Light horse
Rations (20 days)
Traveler's outfit
Spelunking Array 48gp, 1cp 4 Backpack
Explorer's outfit
Flint and steel
Grappling hook
Lamp, hooded
Mapcases (2)
Miner's pick
Oil (7 pints)
Pole, 10-foot
Rations (4 days)
Silk rope (50 ft.)
Sunrods (3)
Wilderness Array 21gp, 2sp, 2cp 6 Bedroll
Fishing net, 25 sq. ft.
Flint and steel
Hempen rope (50 ft.)
Iron pot
Sewing needle
Traveler's outfit
Winter blanket
Shoulder Sprayer 15gp 7 Creates a 10x5 area of mist of whatever is inside of it. Not good for use with acid or things that react violently with air.
Small Siphon Projector(334) 1000gp 8
Large Siphon Projector(334) 1500gp 8
Encyclopedia of Dire Badgers 300gp 9 Contains an exhausting amount of information on Dire Badgers. One could learn more from this book than they could from being one.
Augmented Book of Summoning: Dire Badger 900gp 9 Contains 20 pages, each functioning as a scroll of Summon Monsters for the purposes of Summoning a Dire Badger. Upon casting, it will inflict 1 point of damage to the caster, and use their caster level to determine the duration of the summon in minutes. UMD Difficulty is 16.
Encyclopedia of Chordevoc 100gp 10 Contains an exhausting amount of information on Chordevocs.
Encyclopedia of Elven Hounds 200gp 9 Contains an exhausting amount of information of Elven Hounds
Encyclopedia of Brixashulty 200gp 9 Contained an exhausting amount of information of Brixashulty
Augmented Book of Summoning: Brixashulty 600gp 10 Contains 20 pages, each functioning as a scroll of Summon Monsters for the purposes of Summoning a Brixashulty. Upon casting, it will inflict 1 point of damage to the caster, and use their caster level to determine the duration of the summon in minutes. UMD Difficulty is 14.
Encyclopedia of Thrum Worms 200gp 9 Contains an exhausting amount of information on Thrum Worms
Augmented Book of Summoning: Thrum Worms 600gp 10 Contains 20 pages, each functioning as a scroll of Summon Monsters for the purposes of Summoning a Thrum Worms. Upon casting, it will inflict 1 point of damage to the caster, and use their caster level to determine the duration of the summon in minutes. UMD Difficulty is 14.
Encyclopedia of Ankheg 300gp 9 Contains an exhausting amoutn of information on Ankhegs
AUgmented Book of Summoning: Ankheg 900gp 10 Contains 20 pages, each functioning as a scroll of Summon Monsters for the purposes of Summoning a Ankheg. Upon casting, it will inflict 1 point of damage to the caster, and use their caster level to determine the duration of the summon in minutes. UMD Difficulty is 16.
Encyclopedia of Hippogriffs 300gp 9 Contains an Exhausting amount of information on Hippogriffs
Encyclopedia of Giant Ravens 300gp 9 Contains an Exhausting Amount of Information on Giant Ravens
Encyclopedia of Giant Dragonfly 400gp 9 Contains an Exhausting Amount of information on Giant Dragonflies
Augmented Book of Summoning: Hippogriff 900gp 9 Contains 20 pages, each functioning as a scroll of Summon Monsters for the purposes of Summoning a Hippogriff. Upon casting, it will inflict 1 point of damage to the caster, and use their caster level to determine the duration of the summon in minutes. UMD Difficulty is 16.
Encyclopedia of Giant Eagles 400gp 10 Contains an Exhausting amount of information on Giant Eagles.
Augmented Book of Summong: Giant Raven 900gp 9 Contains 20 pages, each functioning as a scroll of Summon Monsters for the purposes of Summoning a Giant Raven. Upon casting, it will inflict 1 point of damage to the caster, and use their caster level to determine the duration of the summon in minutes. UMD Difficulty is 16.
Augmented Book of Summoning: Giant Dragonfly 1,200gp 10 Contains 20 pages, each functioning as a scroll of Summon Monsters for the purposes of Summoning a Giant Dragonfly. Upon casting, it will inflict 1 point of damage to the caster, and use their caster level to determine the duration of the summon in minutes. UMD Difficulty is 18.
Encyclopedia of Spider Eaters 400gp 9 Contains an exhausting amount of information on Spider Eaters
Encyclopedia ofGiant Owls 400gp 9 Contains an Exhausting amount of information on Giant Owls
Encyclopedia of Stone Flyer 500gp 9 Contains and Exhausting Amount of information on Stone Flyer
Augmented Book of Summoning: Giant Eagle 1,200gp 10 Contains 20 pages, each functioning as a scroll of Summon Monsters for the purposes of Summoning a Giant Eagle. Upon casting, it will inflict 1 point of damage to the caster, and use their caster level to determine the duration of the summon in minutes. UMD Difficulty is 18.
Encyclopedia of Pegasus 400gp 9 Contains an exhausting amount of information on Pegasi.
Augmented Book of Summoning: Giant Owl 1,200gp 10 Contains 20 pages, each functioning as a scroll of Summon Monsters for the purposes of Summoning a Giant Owl. Upon casting, it will inflict 1 point of damage to the caster, and use their caster level to determine the duration of the summon in minutes. UMD Difficulty is 18.
Augmented Book of Summoning: Pegasus 1,200gp 10 Contains 20 pages, each functioning as a scroll of Summon Monsters for the purposes of Summoning a Pegasus. Upon casting, it will inflict 1 point of damage to the caster, and use their caster level to determine the duration of the summon in minutes. UMD Difficulty is 18.
Augmented Book of Summoning: Spider Eater 1,200gp 10 Contains 20 pages, each functioning as a scroll of Summon Monsters for the purposes of Summoning a Spider Eater. Upon casting, it will inflict 1 point of damage to the caster, and use their caster level to determine the duration of the summon in minutes. UMD Difficulty is 18.
Augmented Book of summoning: Stone Flyer 1,500gp 10 Contains 20 pages, each functioning as a scroll of Summon Monsters for the purposes of Summoning a Stone Flyer. Upon casting, it will inflict 1 point of damage to the caster, and use their caster level to determine the duration of the summon in minutes. UMD Difficulty is 20.
Doorbuster Kit 5,022gp 9 4x Acid Flask
1x Crowbar
1x Superior Hacksaw
2x Lockslick
1x Masterwork Thieves Tools
1x Wand of Knock
Encyclopedia of Dire Eagle 500gp 10 Contains and Exhausting Amount of information on Dire Eagles
Augmented Book of Summoning: Dire Eagle 1,500gp 10 Contains 20 pages, each functioning as a scroll of Summon Monsters for the purposes of Summoning a Dire Eagle. Upon casting, it will inflict 1 point of damage to the caster, and use their caster level to determine the duration of the summon in minutes. UMD Difficulty is 20.
Encyclopedia of Deep Hound 600gp 10 Contains an exhausting amount of information on this creature.
Augmented Book of Summoning: Deep Hound 1,800gp 10 Contains 20 pages, each functioning as a scroll of Summon Monsters for the purposes of Summoning this creature. Upon casting, it will inflict 1 point of damage to the caster, and use their caster level to determine the duration of the summon in minutes. UMD Difficulty is 20.
Encyclopedia of Howlers 600gp 10 Contains an exhausting amount of information on this creature.
Augmented Book of Summoning: Howlers 1,800gp 10 Contains 20 pages, each functioning as a scroll of Summon Monsters for the purposes of Summoning this creature. Upon casting, it will inflict 1 point of damage to the caster, and use their caster level to determine the duration of the summon in minutes. UMD Difficulty is 20.
Steel Blue
Side slicked, silvery
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Tan