
1. Better assisting your allies is always nice right? New homebrew rule is going into effect. Now, when you assist a party member you are not shooting for just a +2 bonus for them on your roll of 10 or better. Now, when you roll they get a +2 for each 10 points in your roll. So, roll a 32 and they get a +6 instead of a +2. On the event of multiple assist attempts, only the best 3 will apply.   2. Everyone can use a buckler regardless of class or proficiencies. Reasoning: It is a natural reaction for a person flinching from A perceived attack to raise their arm to block it. Even a toddler in real life can do this. So there is no excuse why A commoner or mage in D&D can’t. Granted someone using a two-handed weapon such as a longbow will not be able to get the AC bonus from the buckler. And a wizard casting a spell with a somatic component cannot get the AC bonus. But anyone can use a buckler.   3. When outside of combat, a trained healer may attempt to manually aid a wound in healing, allowing them to maximize the healing spell at no cost. This may only be done outside of combat. It requires a skill check based on the heal skill at the following DCs based on spells. If the skill check fails the heal spell still goes off normally with rolled damage. CLW: DC15 CMW: DC25 CSW: DC35 CCW: DC45   Mass spells require you to have one extra 'nurse' for each patient that can also pass an assisted version of the same check.   4. Rings of Companionship Short version: This is a pair of rings, treated as a single item. They only function if each part if worn by another person. Those two then become bonded, from the point of view of the rings. As long as both rings are worn, they are active. If one person removes their ring both rings stop functioning. If it's put back on, it resumes working. This does require both individuals to be alive and well.   If If person A and B wear the rings, and person B's ring is returned to person A, it can't then be given to person C and work again for A and C. The whole set is useless to person A unless person B wears their again. The whole set can be given to person C and D and they may then use it as A and B originally did.   5. https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/teamwork-feats/ teamwork feats will be allowed