Lil Tipsy

100 Acid Bullet +1d4 acid damage 10gp
100 Blister Oil Causes injury if touched Races of Stone 15gp
91 Burn Salve Heals fire damage Dragon #301 15gp
97 Blackroot Oil 20gp
100 Bladefire 20gp
80 Flame BUllet 1 fire damage per round for 3 rounds 20gp
100 Garlic Charm 5gp
95 Burrfoot's Nute Ale 20gp
100 Alchemist's Frost As alchemist fire, but cold damage 25gp
100 Alchemist's Spark 25gp
100 Clearstone 10gp
99 Aura Gel 25gp
95 Bird Bomb(Dust) 25gp
100 Courier's Ink 20gp
100 Acidic Fire 30gp
99 Darkvision Powder 10gp
95 Alchemical Sleep Gas 30gp
97 Daystrider Capsule 10gp
100 Brittlebone 30gp
100 Dehydrated food 2gp
100 Defolidator 20gp
100 Diamond Water Ale 8sp
100 Disappearing Ink 5gp
100 Devil's Soap 25gp
100 Dragon Brew 15gp
100 Anarchic Charm 30gp
100 Axiomatic Charm 30gp
100 Cold Iron Charm 30gp
97 Holy Charm 30gp
100 Silver Charm 30gp
100 Unholy Charm 30gp
95 Crackle Powder 30gp
93 Elf Hazel Heals Scars, Dragon #301 5gp
95 Dust Eggshell Eggshell Grenade, Blinding Powder, Oriental Adventures 10gp
95 Pepper Eggshell Eggshell Grenade, Pepper, Stuns, Oriental Adventures 10gp
100 Farflame Oil Light Source, Arms & Equipment Guide 2gp
100 Fast Torch Flare, Complete Mage 5gp
100 Ferrous Aqua Cold Iron Slingstone, Complete Scoundrel 20gp
100 Endurance Elixir Resist Weather, Complete Scoundrel 25gp
100 Fareye Oil Improves Spot, Complete Adventurer 25gp
95 Birdbomb(Reek) Grenadelike Weapon, Nausea, Dragon #357 40gp
95 Burning Dust Sickens Enemy, Dragon #334 40gp
100 Combination Charm Combined two other charms, Dragon #331 40gp
100 Firebelly Resist Cold Damaghe, Dragon #334 2gp
100 Deepsmoke Stick Smokestick that blocks scent, Dragon #298 40gp
100 Acid Neutralizer Neutralizes Acid, Dungeonscape 50gp
100 Flash Paper Dazzles, Oriental Adventurs 5gp
95 antitoxin Resist Poison, PHB 50gp
100 Flash Powder Flashbang, Draogn #280 20gp
100 Flash tube Flashbang, Savage Species 30gp
100 Flashball Flashbang, Dragon #298 40gp
100 Flashstone Flashbang, Dragon #298 30gp
100 Armor Insulation Resist COld Weather, Frostburn 50gp
100 Armor Soft Soften Metal armor to reduce sound, Dragon #280 50gp
99x Alchemical Silence Sneak, Silence Enemy, Dragon #348 350gp
100 Anti-disease Tonic resist disease, Dragon #331 100gp
100 Auran Mask Resist Inhaled Toxins, Complete Mage 60gp
100 Bile Droppings Grenadelike Weapon, Acid and Stench, Drow of the Underdark 50gp
90 Blackwater Removes all Oxygen from water, Dragon #298 100gp
100 Freeglide Aids Escape Artist, Complete Adventurer 20gp
100 Forger's Paper Temporarily transparent Paper 10gp
100 Blasting Pellets Caltrops, Sonic, Races of Stone 50gp
100 Blend Cream Improves Hide, Complete Adventurer 50gp
100 Blood Thickener Increase Con, Reduce Dex and Bleet, Dragon #324 75gp
100 Bottled Air Clear Smoke 50gp
100 Brown Mold Oil Brown Mold, Cold, Thrown Weapon, Dragon #322 75gp
100 Burning DUst Pot Siege Weapon Dust Pot, Dragon #334 100gp
100 Catstink Hinders Tracking by Scent, Complete Adventurer 50gp
92x Dog Smoke Grenadelike weapon, causea, Dragon #357 75gp
100x Cerebral Grist Turns Corpse into Explosive Spores, Dungeons #100 500gp
100x Cerebral Serum Resist Psionics, Dragon 358 150gp
100x Clearbreath Resist Stench, Arms & Equipment Guide 50gp
100x Darkeye Poison, Improved Necromancy 50gp
100x Cerebral Serum Resist Psionics, Dragon #358 150gp
85x Cooling Gel Heal burn damage, resist heat Dragon #280 100gp
100x Combination Draught Combined two other draughts, Dragon #331 150gp
100x Cold Iron Draught Resist Creature vulnerable to Cold Iron, Dragon #331 75gp
100x Free Foot Slippery Oil, Dragon #280 25gp
100x Frost Lotion Heals cold damage, Dragon #301 15gp
100x Ice Crystal Chills Water, Dragon #280 5gp
100x Anarchic Draught Resist Creature vulnerable to law, Dragon 331 50gp
95x Insect Repellent Keeps bugs away, Dragon 280 5gp
100x Axiomatic Draught Resist creature vulnerable to chaos, Dragon 331 50gp
100x Garlic Draught Resist creature repulsed by garlic, Dragon 331 50gp
100x Holy Draught Resist creature vulnerable good, Dragon 331 50gp
100x Unholy Draught Resist creature vulnerable to evil, Dragon 331 50gp
100x Cold Iron Draught Resist creature vulnerable to cold iron, Dragon 331 75gp
100x Silver Draught Resist creature vulnerable to silver, Dragon 331 75gp
100x Dwarfblind Flashbang vs darkvision, Arms & Equipment Guide 50gp
100x Dwarven Grave Ale Resist fear, increase attack and damage, Dragon 334 50gp
100x Cerebral Grist Turns corpse into explosive spores, Dungeon 100 500gp
100x Ectoplasmic Skin Resist damage, Dragon 358 75gp
100x Embalming FIre Makes zombies flammable, dragon 303 50gp
10x Light Potion Caster As Light Crossbow, can throw a bottle 50 feet 100gp
9x Heavy Potion Caster As heavy crossbow, can throw a bottle 100 feet 300gp
10x Breathing Mask Resist Inhaled Toxins, Savage Species 1,000gp
100x Astral Effluvium Explodes in the Astral Plane, Dungeon 100 750gp
100x Flash Eggshell Eddshell Grenade, FLashpowder, Oriental Adventures 60gp
100x Astral Effluvium Explodes in the Astral Plane, Dungeon 100 750gp
10x Breathing Mask Resist Inhaled Toxics, Savage Species 1000gp
100x Flash Eggshell Flashpowder Eggshell Grenade, Oriental Adventures 60gp
100x Poison Eggshell grenade Poison Smoke Eggshell Grenade, Oriental Adventures 150gp
100x Evermead Remove age-based penalties, Dragon 334 200gp
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
faint green