Molly Durendal

QuantityNameCaster LevelEffectCost
91x Potion of Arcane Mark 1 Marks the target for Evac 25gp
95x Potion of Cure Minor Wounds 1 Heals 1 hit point 25gp
95x Potion of Delayed Cure Minor Wounds 3 Heals 1 hit point, 5 rounds later 150gp
98x Potion of Air Imbued Cure Minor Wounds 1 Heals 1 hit point
5 electricity resistance for 1 minute
100x Potion of Animal Imbued cure minor wounds 1 Heals 1 hit point
Scent ability for 1 minute
100x Potion of Chaos Imbued cure minor wounds 1 Heals 1 hit point
+2 Sacred bonus to random ability score for 1 minute
100x Potion of Death Imbued cure minor wounds 1 Heals 1 hit point
+4 on saving throws against death effects for 1 minute
100x Potion of Destruction Imbued cure minor wounds 1 Heals 1 hit point
+2 sacred bonus on melee damage rolls for 1 minute
100x Potion of Earth Imbued cure minor wounds 1 Heals 1 hit point
Acid resistance 5 for one minute
100x Potion of Repeating CUre Minor Wounds 3 Heals 1 hit point
Heals 1 hit point again next round
100x Potion of Twinned Cure Minor Wounds 4 Heals 1 hit point twice in the same rounds 200gp
100x Potion of Detect Crossroads 0.5 - 25gp
100x Potion of Delayed Detect Crossroads 3 Delayed 5 rounds 150gp
100x Potion of Extended Detect Crossroads 1 Duration doubled 50gp
100x Potion of Persisted Detect Crossroads 6 24 duration 300gp