BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!



  The year is 1798 within late summer. Within a humble town of Normania, Diestria, a pair of brothers and some of their friends look over a creation of pure revolutionary madness. The scouting balloon would soon be nothing but the past, as they were now making history.   Before them flew a monstrosity of steel, gas, wood and rigid cloth. Armed to the teeth with cannons and guns. With propellers and bombs.   For far too long humanity had no answer to their enemies in the skies. Tonight it would change and the world would never be the same again.  


  On top of dragons, wyverns and other horrific beasts of war the elves had long dominated the battles of the air. Something which as a consequence almost had them conquer the Golden Empire.   Now from the burning skies of Diestria came the first fleet of Aeronautical vessels. Something which the elves were not expecting.   Attacking their fleet of dragons headfirst, these clever creatures could do nothing but watch in horror as they were wildly barraged with cannons, muskets and harpoons. Killing them in the thousands of dozens while bombs fell night and day on the elven warriors. Taking out millions in the span of a single year.   Seeing their terrible efficiency in battle, most cultures of the Common Lands have developed similar warmachina of their own, or at least countermeasures to avoid being demolished from miles high.  


  With the rapid development of aeronautical vessels all over human society as well as Dyskhar and to a degree Sylvhar, society over the Common Lands have had increased trade and with it cultural exchange after the great wars.   While the continent is still uneasy, the swift travel between the rich and influential has helped cement peace and bonds between various internal factions to the great empires. Pressing them to try and maintain the current order and further the connections. As such, society at large has mainly improved from the nobility to the commoner with the further extent of civilian aeroships.  

Sky Pirates

  With all good things though comes a shadow. Despite the advances in technology, culture and peace through trade, a new group of sophisticated and highly advanced pirates have been born from this opportunity.   Starting from the grips of corrupt noble men and eventually spreading beyond the sphere of the rich, gangs of pirates have taken to the air. Residing hidden within mountains or remote far reaches where they plan attacks on traders or noble entourages to claim wealth and hostages for further wealth and influence.   While these pirates tend to limit bloodshed and carry themselves with a posture of the gentleman or fine lady, they are still highwaymen beyond the charming guise.


Created by Tonarus
Art generated with Midjourney


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