Fredwalds guide to the Mystical Realm: 2, Green bloods. Condition in Arcathia: The new Order | World Anvil
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Fredwalds guide to the Mystical Realm: 2, Green bloods.

Transmission & Vectors

Green blood is spread through genes by a greenblooded parent. It can also be recieved if ones soul passes trough green residue within the myst.


The cause of green blood comes from a compound of clustered laws and aspects of nature that have seeped out of the godess in questions corpse. Therefor greenbloodedness can only be recieved within her area of death; with the exception state above, naturally.


The effects of Green blood is the same for many creatures, it perfects them out of the godess view and turns them into very formidable creatures. Here I shall explain the difference between an ordinary human, and one that carries Green Blood.   The humans within the jungle, known as Zarawaknians already carries darker skin and stronger muscle than most, because it simply made it easier to survive within their territory. From generation to generation their differences to other ethnicities changed due their unique and challenging surroundings. They are far more resistant to different chemicals and biology that would, for example, make a Northernern very sick.   Green blood takes this concept even further. A human's skin darken further and hardens, giving them a slight increase of odds within subterfuge in dark places or at night. The hardened skin also makes them more resistant to sharp edges and enables them of handling tools and weapons with fresh endurance for a much longer time than normaly. Their muscles also grow a bit longer and more elastic than usualy, giving them higher speed and agility than normal humans.   Now, their insides are also quite different. Their appendix has mutated into something of a second liver. This, along with different and more enzymes and tastebuds, with a couple more organs and an extra mini stomache to harness dangerous chemicals within drugs or other poisons. So, not only are they incredibly resistant to disease and immune against materials that would normaly endanger their bodies, they even use the effects that enhance them, while casting out the bad.   On a small sidenote, their neural systems seem to also be a bit better than normal, in order to better spot things.

Cultural Reception

The Greenbloods are wieved differently in the world, but a common thought is that they are divine, even feared for their extraordinary capabilities. In a further depth of the races, there are however some differences.   Human Greenbloods are exemplary fighters and survivors, therefor these specific Zarawakanians are often seen leading scouts and critical operations, from which they become highly regarded scout leaders and military councilors.   Elven Greenbloods are extremely affiliated with nature and often grow extra wood pieces on their body. They know nature in and out, whatever walks there and can even take control of some trees and vegetation to use for their own wishes. Therefor, Woodelves are seen as master mysticians and their leaders almost purely exist of Greenbloods.   Orochen are a bit more tricky. since their Greenblods are as intellectual a normal human, while having an even stronger connection to the myst than ordinary elves. It's as if their ordinary species had their minds and bodies altered into something feral, while their Greenbloods look like us in the form of bodyshape, albeit with more muscle mass and slightly taller.   These specimen have also proved to be less aggresive than their kin. In fact, a Greenblooded Orochen chieftan is more likely to trade than raid. Therefor it saddens me that they are so rare and often hunted down. Our would could do with more of them, to perhaps give the Orochen a chanse at evolution, that our own species has had.   A last note on the Orochen is to right a wrong concept. No, just because all Orochen bleed green does not mean all orochen are greenbloods. They bleed green from a poisonous substance in their blood, which is supposed to make them less of a target to animals as they are inedible. The greenblooded Orochen have a far darker colour of blood, which is more similar to our usual red.   I do not have much to write about green, mystified beasts as every example of them have been completly unique and far more dangerous than their original form. With that said, Draghânir sure did the world a favour when he had Jingváelica defeated. There is no telling what harm she could do with free reigns; and as something, all greenbloods should reminds us about what we owe nature, for our continued existance.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital


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