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Fredwalds guide to the Mystical Realm: 3, Blue Blood.

"Blue bloods, one of my favorite subjects. Just picture it, having the power to control the very waves in motion around us. To understand the world from a whole new prespective, and to be able and mute people when they scream and throw tantrums... Which in a sense makes it good that there are so few of them, and that the few existing carries a massive amount of wisdom and logic. Even though I suppose it would be amusing to have all civilization go around silencing each others."

Transmission & Vectors

The condition is geneticaly spread at birth through parents, or gifted by a divine host.


The reason one turns blue blooded, is by having their hemoglobine enhanced by Ofhélamitrius essence.


The symptomes include a growth in facial hair, darker blue veins and a large increase in brain activity that allows the inflicted to sense natural waves in their surroundings, and bend them too their will. This also means they are more sensitive towards sound, radiaton and seismic activity, but they are more resilent towards seasickness.   Blue blooded individuals also end up developing clairvoyance and empathic abilities.


As the slight change in colour of veins is barely noticable, the first real traces of the condition comes around toddler period, as the child shows an incredible increase of logical thinking and mystical understanding turns into a sixth sense.   These powers grow with age, and in their elders, blue bloods are known to not require learning mysticism to still use it to an advanced degree because it simply comes natural too them.   Lastly, Blue Blood's brains don't age normaly, which increases their lifespan, and protects them from mental unhealth.


The first ever recorded Blue blood was a child, born on a ship within the Barrkadian gulf. At first, the child seemed all normal, born within a rather poor family that was illiterate and barely knew a thing besides fishing, so confussion arouse within the whole community when the child suddenly could count and read without having the money to visit schools.   The brilliance of the child as only a teen, however intrigued great men of philosophy and science alike, and they soon found it onto themselves to pay the fishing family the cost so that the Blue Blood could join school. This proved problematic as the student soon started to create new and better theories than the ones taught, and people who voiced their oppinions without logic soon got silenced by the Blue Blood's sheer willforce.   The newly founded Order of Mysticism swiftly took note of this and recruited the student. Together they managed to deduce through tests on the individuals blood, that he wasn't average.   Later when the years passed and the amount of Blue Bloods in the world grew, they swiftly became incredibly respected individuals within society.

Cultural Reception

The Blue Bloods while almost reveered as godly for some time has within the years grown to be treated in the same manner as any ordinaty citizen, much because the overall literacy and logical thinking has grown more popular in society itself, but also since they do not want to be seen as something surperior.   They are still highly respected and often carry important titles within the world of science, mysticism and philosophy, often as the best in the subject, but as civilization developes, the normal blooded are closing in too them
Abilities   Blue bloods as sensitive to waves around them has the ability to manipulate sound and frequency, which makes them excelent sailors, officers and musicans, with the power to increase their own sounds, mute others, and even control the waters movements, in smaller scales.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital
Extremely Rare
Affected Species
Famous Blue Blood  
While most of these incredibly rare bloods have been famous, there is one that has managed to claim fame above all else. The old Frozen Emperor Max. This peculiar individual has tons of mysteries and legends span around him and his weird armour and sword, which nobody really knows the origin of, nor how their powers work. The myth's also speak of Max father being a friend and member of the Pure Elves, the only human within their society, and it was through one of their expeditions he recieved the relics.   What is known however, is that Max caused an empire of exiles and lowlife to prosper in wealth and peace, even if they were sent to a frozen tundra. How he managed, is speculated on, as not many knew how the empire came to suddenly pop up, but it's all there, mighty in it's full glory. Still remaining too this day.   -Arathon Caras.


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