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Orincian Plains


  The lands of Orincia bleed. The crust on which one walks burst with the flames of angelic souls. The drums of the mountains and hills resonate of war, as the echoes of marching armies sound from both present and history.   From the tales of eld, angels mustered an army while demons whipped up their horde. Then as they clash, the ground splits from the violence. Raising hills and mounds of the dead, drying up rivers with gore and oil, turning the sky in all hues from scarlet to alchemical blue.   And as the fires rage on, none will survive the madness.   Now, decades after the flesh and bone withered into the lands, the heirs of heaven and hell meet again on the broken lands. Among fires born of the tears of order and blood of chaos. Violence and carnage shall ever reign on the killing Plains of Orincia.  

The Landscapes of Orincia


The Ghostsands

  Death and gloom looms however far the eye peers. Cracked orange and yellow stretch for miles with mountains and hills looming in the far distance. The crevice remains of ancient rivers and ponds, long ago destroyed in the path of war.   Though one would not be considered unwise to believe nothing could survive out in these ghostlike plains, herds of massive reptilian creatures march among the soil.   On their bodies grow vegetation, leaving a few lush orchards to be born from the graveyards of scalebeasts.  

The Path of Ophalmitrus

  Within the bountiful mountains linger a secret miles long path of rock, trees and cacti. Supported by the flow of water still coursing through the crust of this lively strip. This thin region is a promise of hope for the Orincian Vindictans, believing it a gift and sign that Ophalmitrus and Ysand still stand with the children of the Golden Empire, even as far out as their distant Barony.   The Path of Ophalmitrus ends with a vast lush shore facing the isles of the Golden Isles and the Capital of the Empire itself. Rendering it the first and last bastion of humanity within Orincia. A city lit by blue alchemical fire like a beacon of hope and promise, named after the region itself.  

The Pit of Souls

  A massive graveyard spanning the lengths of a small country, where pits of the Blood of Angels meet with shrubbery, trees and the moist skeletons left from all manners of creatures that through ages have left a once cleansed lake and river of fresh water that pours through the region.   In the recent decade, a grayish blue pestilence has besieged the lands, covering it in weird water like blotches with fleshy trees and shrubbery, along with a mold growing within the earthen cracks and rocks. The creatures inhabiting these lands are hollow with twinelike veins, pulsing from the alchemical flames of Angel’s Blood.   Within the heart of rot exists a large beastkin city, populated by the people who named the city Three Tails. The Khitarii Sandgazers yet loyal to Raz’akira, the Gnoll of the Blightbile Tribe and the L’jin of the Plaugemarrow Pride.  

Footprint of the Beast

A large swathe of land running from the eastmost coast to overlooking the deserts in front of the Orincian Barony.   While this was once a desolate beastkin realm, paved by the horrible Beast himself, the tribalists have all been cut down by goblin opportunists and made into an outpost for their powers. A unified front consisting of large drills, pumps and steel cottages that siphon the Blood of Angels out of the lands.  

The Blood of Angels

  All over the lands, a gaseous substance can be seen bursting with clear blue flames. Frozen into liquid, this resource is known to have powerful magical capabilities and can be transfused into the blood of the living which neutralizes its caustic nature.   Within its natural state though, it is an incredibly potent and deadly gas. One which often ignites underground, causing sudden geysers to spurt up like blood from a stab wound. Thus giving it the name, The Blood of Angels.  




  Due to the unforgiving climes of Orinica, most creatures inhabiting the plains have their heritage within the clade of scalebeast. Consisting of various forms of massive lizards, tortoise and sand snakes that are able to separate salt and water in two different stomachs allowing them to store liquid within them for up to around three to five months, depending on the creature.   Other creatures that exist within the region mainly consist of smaller scavengers or birds, such as vultures, sand foxes and smaller reptiles as well as insects able to survive on plants alone.  


  Orincia is home to only a few breeds of plants that can survive within the harsh lands. Mostly, different breeds of cactus thrive among the hills and mountains. Though smaller shrubberies and dwarf desert trees can be found sparsely among the cacti gardens and paths.   Within certain corners of the region, one might also end up lucky to find a scalekin graveyard, where the regional beasts of old age flock to die. When they expire the symbiosis of plants grown into their bodies claim sovereignty of the hosts. Allowing them to spread their roots and create small oases from the blood, minerals and earth that is refined back to nature.   This symbiosis then continues as these oases eventually get drained by other migrating beasts that close the circle of nature.  

Regional Instability

  Bearing homage to the caustic gas beneath the soil the Orincian Plains are often prone to various disasters wreaking havoc among the grounds. Minor tremors and earthquakes being the least of worries, as the sands in the middle of the landscapes sometimes burst in raptures similar to small volcanoes.   To make the already grim situation worse, sandstorms rock the plains as regular as rain hits Peregon, making for almost daily storms that last between one to two hours.   On rare occasions, these storms whip up whirlwinds that draw in the Blood of Angels within their mad temper. Creating deep blue flame tornadoes to wreak havoc on the land.


Created by Tonarus
Art generated with Midjourney  


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