Pocket Ringer
"Sometimes diplomacy just doesn't work."
Mechanics & Inner Workings
The Pocket Ringer contains a two shot mechanic, similar to that of a dual barreled shotgun but with the pipes of a smaller revolver. When triggered halfways, it fires one small bullet and then the second. Most first shots not being lethal, which is why the dual shot mechanism is in place to compensate for the relatively low stopping power of the small caliber rounds. These two pipes themselves are held up by a small wooden handle with a couple of springs which ignites the bullets.
The Pocket Ringer is a fairly new invention which combines the old flintlock with a revolver. The weapon isn't meant to see much combat though as it was developed to be easily hidden underneath a dress, within a pair of stockings or by a belt. A self protection weapon which could easily be concealed carry into private parties or diplomatic meetings and etc. A last resort if one happens to end up in the wrong place at the wrong time, to give them an edge in combat. Historically though, it has been widely used among the Diestrian and Dyskhari people to perform political assassinations.
This gun carries a vast significance among the aristocratic Diestrian ladies, as the pistol is easy enough to hide and can even be carried within smaller handbags. In case of distress, they are able to bring the gun nearly anywhere they go while carrying enough force that they could protect themselves against a single humanoid if unarmed. The loud bang is the most important component of the pistol though, as it'd alert any guard in a hundered meters radius to the distress.