Wyldburg Settlement in Arcathia: The new Order | World Anvil
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Like a boar, we shall run down our enemies, no matter what they throw at us. Instead, each arrow and spear that impale us shall only further our charge and resolve. In our wake, we leave nothing but destruction. Always carry red gaze and sharpened tusks, brethren. Because gouging on the weak is how the strong stay alive.   High-Inquisitor Montgomery Wyld.  
  Underneath the banners of a brown boar grubbing in gray grass, smoke can be seen rising from the many factories by the town's port. The populace in itself seems to consist mainly of burly and hardened men with half a brain, along with women in loose clothing and messy makeup over their faces.   Robbery, thieft and assault can be seen going almost ignored in the back-alleys and rats along with a vile stench fill the streets.   Still, there are opporunities to be found here, money to make or power to be had. Choice is, would you do it the hard way by working within the whaling industry and helping a noble and bold entrepeneur, for a small but decent enough salary; or would you rather join the corrupt government in their struggles for power, wealth and personal desputes, for power, fame and money.


The records within Wyldburg's townhall state the following percentage of ethnicity, profession and wealth of the populace.  
  • Diestrains: 76%
  Fishmongers: 32%   Wealth:   Poor: 96% High risk of criminality   Middle class: 3.9% Low risk of criminality   Rich: 0.1% No risk of criminality   State Labourers: 23%   Wealth:   Poor: 70% Medium risk of criminality   Medium class: 30% Low risk of criminality   Craftsmen: 15%   Wealth:   Poor: 26% Medium risk of criminality   Medium class: 54% Low risk of criminality   Rich: 30% Low risk of criminality   Unemployed: 15%   Wealth:   Poor: Extreme risk of criminality   Military: 8%   Wealth:   Medium class: 95% Low risk of criminality   Rich: 5% No risk of criminality   Religious/Cultural workers: 5%   Wealth:   Medium class: 80% Low risk of criminality   Rich: 20% No risk of criminality   Hospitality Service:1%   Wealth:   Poor: 10% Extreme risk of criminality   Middle class: 85% Low risk of criminality   Rich: 15% Medium risk of crminilaity   People of science: 0.8%   Wealth:   Rich: 100% No risk of criminality   Government: 0.2%   Wealth:   Rich: 100% No risk of criminality  
  • Dwarves: 12%
  Professions;   Fine crafts: 60%   Wealth:   Medium class: 30% No risk of criminlaity   Rich: 70% No risk of criminality   Military:   Medium wealth: 100% Low risk of criminality   Traders:   Medium wealth: 86% Low risk of criminality   Rich: 14% Medium risk of criminality  
  • Half breeds: 10%
  Fishmongers: 50%   Wealth:   Poor: 100% High risk of criminality   Hospitality Service: 36%   Poor: 74% Medium risk of criminality   Medium class: 25% Low risk of criminality   Unemployed: 14%   Wealth:   Poor: 100% Extreme risk of criminality  
  • Draghânids: 2%
  Pleasure workers: 100%   Wealth:   Poor: 93% Medium risk of criminality   Rich: 7% Low risk of criminality


Wyldburg's government is ruled by Ser Montgomery Wyld, the Ysandrian Inquisition and a few of the rich elite. They heavily tax the poor so that the inquisition may strive on with full resources and conduct their zealous work. The town itself should not be running properly by the high amount of taxation along with the extreme crime-rates and high unemployment rate. Still, many of the rich earns tones on plundering, raiding and theivery.   The town further carries a "serve or die" punishment for perpetrators of high enough crime, which may vary depending what the inquisition and government think of the individual and their less honorable skills. This way, recruitment towards the army is very high within Wyldburg and the new soldiers are


The town has a large and acctualy well maintained wall, with watchtowers, a tower of mysticism and steel gates with overlooking oil pits. Wyldburg has a well taken care of army and strong cavalary. They also have some of the best rangers and commando units within human society, and often passing even the elven versions, as the recruits taken are often already experienced with thieft, robbery, kidnapping, saboutage and even murder.

Industry & Trade

The town has a small whaling industry and trade, but it manages best from pillaging and raiding nearby towns and villages, especially Elven or Dark Elven. They later export some of the trinkets, valuables and cultural pieces from their targets to earn money. However a large sum of the stolen goods go right into the armies pockets. and another large percentage goes to factories, to be remade into human valuables, as a large trade of elven artifacts would soon be investigated by the Frozen Empire. Only the most rare and exquisit pieces are sold to the highest bidder within human aristrocrazy.


The main houses within Wyldburg are small hovels, made out of wood and halm. There are still many bigger and better houses the further down south. The north part of the town is has a large port and lighthouse. The north side is also is filled with factories, fish stores and brothels. However, it also got a small barracks built into a wall surrounding a large estate along with a school and science tower.   The southern part of village consists of a craftsmensquare, filled with stands and tightly built appartments. On the small hill rich estates and military buildings surround the townhall which is built into a large cathedral dedicated to Ysand   The outsides of the walls have a few larger hovels with stables.


Wyldburg got plenty of stores for your everyday needs, clothing, furniture, tools, weapons, but it severely lacks a wide plate of food. The only foodstands selling more than simply seafood lie between the rich populace solitude hill, and the middle class part of town.

Guilds and Factions

A few groups inhabit the town. The most powerfull is the Ysandrian Inquisition which helps guide the government. A few others would be the Order of Mysticians, that learn out mysticism to the elite and recruit commoners with connections to the myst. the Westport Consortium deals with technology and have a small group within the whale entrepenour's estate.   A couple of military organizations can also be found. The United Diestrian Blackthorn Mercenaries and Gàlmarz Quarrelers.   Smaller groups include the Merchants guild, Seafarer's guild and various different gangs all from your local pair of thugs to cartels who have the rich elite involved with them.


Wyldburg doesn't have much of a story. It was built long ago and has since time immemorial been run by the Wyld family. It however plays a very important part within criminal society.   Wyldburg's head of state, Ser Montgomery Wyld has also waged a religious war onto the Dark Elves, plundering their towns and villages while taking control of them by appointing different gangs to control and rule them underneath his reign. Many of these connections where broken the day combined forces of Noble and Dark elves burned a large part of the town and chased the humans out.   Once the war between humans and elves ended, the since long rebuilt town was returned from elven control to the humans, as a sign of peace treaty and unification against a common threat. However as Montgomery, now a full fledged High-Inquisitor returned to control, he could not quench the temptation of revenge and keeping his holy crusade running.   Due evidence of heresy found within his service of the Ysandrian Inquisition and besides the Lord-Crusader Konrad McKingsley of the Holy order of Ysand, he almost instantly started to conduct secret operations on the territory of the Wolf.


As most Diestrian towns, Wyldburg has a very dark and gloomy look to it, with black and gray colours for most walls, fences and roofs. Doors and windows are also often painted red.


The town lies close to a large river that goes out to the northern sea. It's also placed inbetween a large forest, a landscape of sprawling hills, and one of plain terrain, therefor giving it's surroundings a little bit of everything, but lacks in beauty considering the poverty and desperation of most people living around the parts. Wyldburg is also one of the Diestrian towns that was spared the devestation of the colapse and remains far away from the thornwoods.   As all places in Diestria, the town has the common four seasons.

Natural Resources

Fish, wood, stone and plenty of animals can be found all around the town. In reality there is much potential in Wyldburg becoming a blossoming star within Diestria, but as all blossoming stars not under protection by the Golden Empire; greed, jealousy and rivalry would threaten Wyldburg and most likely have it conquered by the Witchqueen of Thorns.
Alternative Name(s)
Boar's Pen
Large town
5393 Inhabitants fill the registers of Wyldburg's populace.
Inhabitant Demonym
South Diestrians
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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