Arcathia: the new order Pure Elven rise to Styrmâkt Timeline
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Pure Elven rise to Styrmâkt

A timelapse of the major events that brought a group of exiles into a great power.

Northern elven expansion.

1231 B.Y. to 973 B.Y.

The elves seek out new lands and resources for their planned war against the trecherous and rapidly growing human society. Large groups of them were sent north to the believed uninhabbited mountains.

  • 1229 B.Y.
    Population Migration / Travel

    More and more elves come to settle between the Dragonmountains and Shadowforest.

  • 981 B.Y.
    First major conflict starts
    Military action

    War breaks out between human and elves for the first time in history.

The age of blizzards

973 B.Y. to 498 B.Y.

A devestating snowstorm struck the Dragonmountains from the northeast, forcing most of the new colonizers to seek refuge within the mountains and caves, while their resources still went into the rich's coffers.

  • 965 B.Y.
    Co-joined efforts, Woodelves.
    Diplomatic action

    Woodelves join the efforts of war against the Golden Empire

  • 533 B.Y.
    First mutated elf.
    Life, Birth

    Locked away from the sun and nature, the very first elf with mutated skin and eyes were born inside of the frozen caves.

  • 412 B.Y.
    Slavery starts
    Financial Event

    The civilian elves in the mines, now mostly mutated are seen as filth and therefor soon joined by all manners of slaves, criminals and exiles.

  • 527 B.Y.
    Co-joined efforts, Diestria.
    Diplomatic action

    Diestria is forced to aid the Golden Empire, or risk being tormented by woodelf rangers.

Draghanîr ascends

498 B.Y. to 491 B.Y.

Growing unrest and despair within the elven caverns and mines grow hate and feed rebellious minds as more and more slaves and outcasts join the slaving effort.   The ascended deity of corruption takes adventage of this, to form his own crusade against both humans and elves.

  • 497 B.Y.
    Draghânìr spreads his wings.
    Diplomatic action

    The god of corruption seeks out the mutated elves, offering them a promise of power and revenge.

Dawn of Purity

491 B.Y. to 23 C.Y.

The people leave their mountain homes as the weather finally calms down and allows them to claim their new lands. Thus great temples are built to Draghânir and dragons are tamed for the very first time.

  • 491 B.Y.
    War escalates.
    Disaster / Destruction

    The dwarves and western isles join the Golden Empire, while the Moon and Sun Empire join the elves in conflict.   The Pure Elves are born and declare war against both alliances.

  • 483 B.Y.
    First war dragon
    Technological achievement

    The first dragons are tamed, giving the Pure Elves a large adventage in war efforts.

  • 0 C.Y.
    Ysand strikes

    Ysand leads the humans to a close victory against the elven alliance and a peace is formed between the two factions.

  • 23 C.Y.
    Draghânìr falls
    Era beginning/end

    Sarak defeats the diety of corruption in combat.

Age of Chains

23 C.Y. to 352 C.Y.

Pure Elves that refused to resign Draghânír worship were sent back to the mines and soon caused a civil conflict.

  • 40 C.Y.
    Dark Elven Empire

    The Dark Elven Empire is founded.

    More reading
    Dyskhari Imperium
  • 57 C.Y.
    Dark constitution

    Those that did not reject Draghânìr become outcasts in society and treateded like slaves.

  • 126 C.Y.
    Day of shackles
    Civil action

    Pure Elven societies within the old mines, caverns and some even beneath the cities are stormed and it's people sold as toys for the Dark Elves

  • 352 C.Y.
    The Exodus

    The slaves rise up against their masters and murder several important Dark Elven nobles. To deal with the issue a proposition of death or exile north to the frozen seas were made.

Era of Brightlight

352 C.Y. to 783 C.Y.

The chains are finally broken underneath the words of the Brightlight whom lit a path of blazing fires and shining steel through the two elven Empires.

  • 352 C.Y.
    Rise of Brightlight
    Life, Achievement/ Win

  • 367 C.Y.
    Long live the king

    Elis Brightlight is elected king under a mostly united Pure Elven society.

  • 383 C.Y.
    Bright constitution
    Political event

    Draghânìr worship is abandoned and old culture is demolished.

  • 670 C.Y.
    Crusade of Purity
    Military action

    Pure Elves change their names, language and take up arms.

  • 781 C.Y.
    First victory
    Disaster / Destruction

    Dark Elven Empire is broken

  • 782 C.Y.
    Second victory
    Disaster / Destruction

    Elven Empire is broken

  • 783 C.Y.
    Warrior King ascends

    The king falls in combat in a last victory against the elves and thus the war is over.

Era of Innocenthope

783 C.Y. to 1312 C.Y.

As Karl Innocenthope takes the throne, the Pure Elves seek redemption for past sins and finds a new cause with a different foe that threaten their homelands.

  • 804 C.Y
    Founding of the Graycogs
    Political event

    The Pure Elves take their first steps towards a modern society.

    Winterland Isles
    More reading
  • 823 C.Y.
    Founding of the Admirality

    The Admirality is founded to protect the waters

  • 848 C.Y.
    Founding of the Cathedral

    A religious order is founded to serve the people

  • 1030 C.Y.
    Frozen conquest
    Military action

    A nation not yet seen by the Common Lands assail the Pure Elves

  • 1149 C.Y.
    Dawn of Peace
    Cultural event

    The king falls in combat, yet ultimately wins his war.

  • 1149 C.Y.
    Political event

    Graycogs take over the kings rule along with the prince.

Era of Brighthope

1312 to 1443 C.Y.

A new light of dawn is born from the horrors and wickedness that came to haunt Arcathia. The Brighthope finally takes his throne, and raises his holy blade to crusade against tyranny and darkness.

  • 1312 C.Y.
    The third king
    Life, Career

    The Brighthope ascends the throne.