Session 1: A Letter Arrives! Report Report in Arcavios: Strixhaven | World Anvil

Session 1: A Letter Arrives! Report

Character(s) interacted with

Smitty's Scene
Shorty Serhovenjensen
Sweaty Serhovenjensen
Snotty Serhovenjensen
Sloppy Serhovenjensen
Joe Glugsalot
  Ezrin's Scene
Samantha Montague
Edwin Montague
Terry Molak   Clancy's Scene
Ahlyssa Nailo
Elysande Nailo
Clancy's Patron   Griya's Scene
Mother Peace Lilly
Father Peace Lilly   Kit's Scene
Smoking Moon
Smoking Stars
Smoking Sun   Orlov's Scene (to be redone)
Chippette 1
Chippette 2
Chippette 3

Created Content

Created NPCs

  Smitty's Scene
Shorty Serhovenjensen
Sweaty Serhovenjensen
Snotty Serhovenjensen
Sloppy Serhovenjensen
Joe Glugsalot
  Ezrin's Scene
Terry Molak   Clancy's Scene
Clancy's Patron
Megan Thee Stallion
  Griya's Scene
Mother Peace Lilly
Father Peace Lilly   Kit's Scene
Smoking Moon
Smoking Stars   Orlov's Scene (to be redone)
Chippette 1
Chippette 2
Chippette 3

Established Campaign Canon

  Smitty's Scene
Smitty is the youngest of his four siblings. Age order goes: Sloppy Serhovenjensen, Shorty Serhovenjensen, Sweaty Serhovenjensen, Snotty Serhovenjensen
  Smitty's temple holds services where server tips are collected in the donation mug. Worshipers drink ale during the service. The first patron to finish their drink passes around their mug to collect offerings.   The mother of the Serhovenjensen siblings gave up her children to the temple when Smitty was very young. They have never seen her again.   Upon receiving his acceptance letter, Smitty caused a rucus in the temple and poured beer on the heads of patrons. News of Smitty's actions and his acceptance into Strixhaven have likely traveled through his quarter of Grumlet. It is likely future NPCs in Grumlet will have opinions about his wild behavior.   Ezrin's Scene
Ezrin's father, Edwin Montague, is a stern man who expects the most out of his son. He is currently in the Heavenfell prison for charges of money embezzlement. Ezrin's mother Samantha Montague stands by the assertion that Edwin is not guilty. Ezrin is skeptical but chooses to believe his mother. He has a personal goal to work on proving his father's innocence. The prison guard Terry Molak was created during this scene. He is already a fan favorite and is shy and deferrent to nobility and also a bit awkward.   Edwin's prison cell is much finer that those around him. It is assumed the Montagues used their wealth and connections to obtain a better cell for him.   Potential suggestions of a relationship between Terry and Samantha were established near the end of the scene. While joking in nature, the validity of these player-created rumors has yet to be confirmed or denied...   Clany's Scene
Clancy is a self-described "D&D VSCO girl" who is self-absorbed and spoiled. The relationship between Clancy and her mother Ahlyssa Nailo is similar in dynamic to that of Regina George and her mother from Mean Girls the movie. Clancy's father is not often around, which has left her with some daddy issues. Clancy's grandmother Elysande Nailo does not think Clancy should have gotten into Strixhaven.   It was established that Clancy is a big fan of Megan Thee Stallion , a celebrity centaur who streams music through a network of sending stones. Clancy is also a large fan of pilates and yoga, which she was doing at the beginning of the scene.   It was established that Clancy contacts her patron, an archfey (specific identity to be determined), by praying to them at a self-made altar with a candle. When the connection is ended (usually by the patron), the candle light goes out. Clancy's player improv'd thanks to her patron for giving her the answers to the Strixhaven entrance exam, establishing that the patron pulled strings in her admission and likely has some interest in the magic school.   Griya's Scene
Griya has no parents, both adopted parents having died at some point in her life. She lives on her own at her late parents's cottage. She has no friends and is desperate for connection. After her late parent's funeral, Griya took a peace lilly from each of their caskets (implying that they died together in some sort of accident) and used magic to make the plants pseudo-sentient. It was established that the plants can communicate with Griya (currently up in the air whether it is verbal or psychic communication) with Mother Peace Lilly acting as her late mother and Father Peace Lilly acting as her late father.   The plants gain sentience through Griya's tears. She cries on the plants every night, which nourishes them and provides them with the memories of her late parents. The peace lilies are very whimsical and unhinged and do not really act like her parents would. They were present for her letter opening.   Kit's Scene
Kit and his father Smoking Moon live with the "Smoke" tabaxi clan. It was established that the clan lives in the forests west of the Chimneycomb mountains, not far from the city Feradorn.   Kit's father appeared excited that he will be attending Strixhaven. While clearly displaying that he will miss his son, he also seemed ready for a break from Kit and his shenanigans. The clan members and couple Smoking Moon  and Smoking Stars also expressed their gratitude that Smoking Moon will once again be able to adventure without having to worry about his son, allowing him to travel farther than he has in years.   It was half-jokingly implied that Kit is only a year and two months old, prescribing to the aging rules of house cats (first year of life is 15 in maturity, the next year is nine years in maturity, and each subsequent year is another four years of maturity). This would make Kit about 18 years in maturity, but also means that Smoking Moon would be about four years of age. This is not very practical for our setting, so the DM is ruling that, while funny, tabaxi do not age at the same rate as house cats.   Kit now has a pouch of catnip he swiped from his father during the scene. Whether this catnip is akin to a more mature substance depends on the presence of our 12 year old recurring guest player Orlov.   Orlov's Scene (to be redone)

Related Reports

Orlov's Original Scene
Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos
Neutral Earth Genasi (Witherbloom Initiate)
Fighter 1
13 / 13 HP
Ezrin Montague
Neutral Good Human (Noble)
Wizard 1
8 / 8 HP
Report Date
15 Feb 2024


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