The Caleyor Kingdom Organization in Arcëa | World Anvil
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The Caleyor Kingdom

Written by Descendant of Caerunu

In R.A. 1, the city of Ctanefo was established, beginning the calendar itself. In the early days, Caleyor was just a small city state, but as it began to expand and settle in farther away lands, the Kingdom grew significantly. Around 150, the nation had gone from a small city state to a large and powerful kingdom, with influence over the surrounding land. It was around 200 when the Kingdom met the standards of the most powerful nations in the ancient world, but it wouldn't stop there. Caleyor succeeded not only in power and influence, but in organization, population, and progression. The Caleyor Kingdom ended in 406 in favor of the Empire, but it achieved way more than any nation in that era could in 1000 years. Its mark on history would never be forgotten.


Governmental Structure

The Caleyor Kingdom was an absolute hereditary monarchy. There was a senate, though it worked under the order of the king. The senate was divided into the high and low senate, and both had different roles and limits to what they could do. The low senate could pass legislation, but it was limited to what it could do and their law had to be approved by the high senate, then the king. This part of the senate was composed of 59 senators. The high senate was able to pass legislation in spite of the low senate's thoughts on it, though they needed approval of the king. This part of the senate had 105 senators. The king could pass any legislation he desired, but judicial actions were left to the high senate.  

Military Structure

The largest division of soldiers was the millennium, having 1,000 men each, though larger millenniums had 1,400 men. A millennium was led by a millenniary, and more experienced millenniaries were given the larger millenniums. A millennium was divided into 5 units, with 200 men each, though larger millenniaries were divided into 4 units, composing of 350 men. Units were further divided into "ptaelens". A ptaelen held 20 men in a typical millennium, and there were 10 per unit. Large millenniums had 35 men in each ptaelen. The ptaelens stood lined up horizontally, behind each other ptaelen, to form the unit, and units were placed with 2 in front and 3 behind, with the 2 front ones either on the full right or left.

Public Agenda

The Caleyor Kingdom believed that the nation need to exist so that the gods would be pleased. The Kingdom claimed its wars were that of defense, though many began to doubt this with the Siege of Uerne. The Caleyor Kingdom, to a lesser extent, also wanted to spread their influence, because it would make them more powerful and thus, even more pleasing to the gods. The Caleyor Kingdom was more nationalist, though they did trade often with Cazeu.


The Caleyor Kingdom composed of around 100,000 troops as of 355, each well trained and experienced, though only a small portion of soldiers had great experience. The Caleyorian Calvary was the best ever seen in the ancient world, and had a size of around 11,500. The buildings are similar to ancient Greek structure, and populous cities tend to have wide and short buildings- making a square shape as opposed to a narrow rectangle. The Caleyor Kingdom was fairly rich. It was certainly not as rich as Cazeu, but it was richer than many other nations. It was rich enough to give the (wealthy) people a very luxurious life, and to impress people with its beautiful towers and houses.


The Civil War

When the Kingdom began getting larger and more influential in R.A. 200, it was vulnerable to more civil conflicts. Much of the population struggled behind the poverty line, and it only grew worse for them as the Kingdom had to spend more. Around the 4th month in year 235, a revolt happened in the large city of Egeori. A few months later, a group of rebellious republicans set up an organization there. They eventually unofficially established their own nation. They called it the Republic of Egeori, and civil war immediately broke out on 236/1/2 just 6 days later. It was a conflict that would last for 21 years, though the republicans eventually lost, and signed a treaty on 257/7/36 declaring that they would return to the kingdom's land, and that the republic would be disestablished.

Aneclian's Conquest

In the 290s, a low senator named Eredos Aneclian had raised 4 millenniums himself and marched into unofficial territory of Uerne. He returned in 294, and was removed of his millenniums, though he managed to not be arrested with the help of the king. When Aneclian got together men from his old millenniums, he convinced the senate to offer him 12 millenniums, but no more was allowed. After he had taken almost all of the unoffical land in 296, he went into the borders of Uerne, and the senate declared him arrested once he returned. in 298, Aneclian won at a battle in the capital of Uerne, and the senate relieved him of his crime, and the king appointed him high senator. Caleyor annexed all the land taken.

Hayalean War and Ereva's War

In the later days of the kingdom, in 389, Hayalea sailed to Caleyor, and invaded, and Caleyor declared war on them. After King Caerunu XIII died, his son took the throne and turned the battle in another direction. He had been able to push Hayalea far back, and when Hayalea surrendered in 400, many Hayaleans were upset. So upset, that they started rebellions in order to invade Caleyor. Caerunu XIV tried everything to keep the kingdom out of conflict, though millenniary Ereva Kolvea had different plans. When Ereva tried to raise another millennium, the senate was divided on their opinion about him. 23 senators supported Ereva's plan, eventually despising the king in favor Ereva. The rest of the senators wanted Ereva fired, and after 3 years, in the summer of 404, Ereva's millenniums and his 23 senators formed their own union and invaded Hayalea. The war was brutal, but barely changing, so Ereva took the advantage and marched elsewhere. It was a shocking movement- Ereva was marching on Ctanefo. The civil war began in the 3rd month of 405, and strength never left Ereva's side. Ereva forced the capital to surrender, and he won the civil war on 406/5/16, focusing next on the Hayalean invasion after declaring himself Emperor Ereva I. His generals were able to keep the war stable, and Ereva won the war in 410.

Demography and Population

In 355, the population of the Caleyor Kingdom was around 3.5 million. The city of Ctanefo had a population of about 350,000 at this time as well.

The Royal Family

The royal family of the Caleyor Kingdom was Caerunu, and there were 14 generations, each being around 30 years of reign. The heredity was never shaken by the senate, and wouldn't be even with the impeachment of a king. Though this never happened, if a king did not have a child, the senate would move to his male relatives to appoint them as king.  

Battle Tactics

One famous battle tactic of the Caleyorians which actually lasted all throughout the imperial period was to have the infantry meet in the middle of the enemy, and easily destroy the center, and plow through the rest on either side. If there is a strong center, the infantry will only just have to put up more of a fight, and the enemy's side wouldn't be strong enough to surround them. If there was a strong side, there was always a Calvary force on either side of the Caleyorians' force, and plus, the infantry can turn and attack the sides of the enemy, with the center of the enemy being to small to cause any real harm. The Caleyorian's were famous for never stopping during a battle. If an infantry force had gone on direction to attack an enemy force, the survivors would go to where the rest of the fighting is taking place, despite of their exhaustion.
The flag of the Caleyor Kingdom. It was first created in R.A. 3 by Sulece Aorema (R.A.L. 20 - R.A. 26). The rays represent the sun, with five points between to represent the gods who have a role in the sky, who are believed to have guided the founding of the kingdom. Red is the color of royalty, and this is the first time it's used as such.
R.A. 1, Month 1, Day 1
R.A. 406, Month 5, Day 16
Old Calid̂in
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Kingdom of the Peninsula / Caliðin's Kingdom
Caleyorian / Caliðin
Earth Equivalent
The Roman Kingdom

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Author's Notes

I did say that the Caleyor Kingdom is equal to the Roman Kingdom, but this isn't entirely true. It's time when it takes place and monarchism is what is similar, but really the technology was that of the Roman Republic.

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