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Mental characteristics

Personal history

Snix is a well-mannered, respectable and overly pleasant little Kobold. Or at least that's how he wants to be seen. To be fair, most of that is true, but he is more than happy to... bend the truth, let us say, when he deems appropriate. Unlike many charlatans though, it is not for personal gain that he considers the cause worthwhile, but rather, when undoing wrongs. He sees himself as chaotic agent of order - attempting to correct imbalances in the natural order with less than official methods. Whatever the cause though, Snix tries to maintain a joyous and pleasant demeanour, charming even to those he despises.
  As a Kobold, stability and safety were hard to come by as a child, and a band of adventurers attacked the cavern his extended family lived in, slaughtering many of them simply for being Kobolds. He managed to flee with his mother Snilk and his fathers viol. While he was interested in revenge, his mother taught him to take the higher road, and that killing the adventurers or the gnomes who paid them would only further extend the horrible cycle of hatred.
"A claw for a claw leaves the whole world without a burrow." she would say.
Instead, she taught him the importance of doing the right thing as well as treating all with respect, even murderers (although they may need to be put down, just respectfully). After a few years, his mother realised it wasn't safe for them, so found a nearby orc village of Wolfwatch who took them in (thinking they were strange looking orc children using disguises) where they lived ever since in relative peace. He changed his voice very actively as the orcs couldn't understand the usual fast, high-pitched kobold speak, instead taking on a slower, smoother and more deliberately paced speech pattern.
  Snix is exceptionally charming, and his heart longs for the connections that it was robbed of as a child, and as such frequently finds new friends often, with a strong emotional bond. Contrary to popular opinion, it is not the physical connection he is interested in (and anatomically isn't compatible with mammals anyway), but the emotional connection instead. Usually when he revisits these friends, they maintain a very positive relationship, but tend not to maintain active contact. He's not the most sensible person out there, and while he has not interest in attaining personal wealth (preferring to redistribute it to those hard done by), he loves games, and gambling counts.
  Being naturally charming and untrusted due to his race, Snix very quickly became adept at deception, and while he does it for altruistic reasons (such as ripping off the brutal miller in order to provide adequate food for his workers families), he does sometimes get carried away. He loves music and will regularly play his viol and sing, often astride a rooftop, carriage or Ayla's shoulders. In terms of combat, he is adept with his 'pointy stick' (rapier) as well as shortbow, but generally prefers non-violent solutions to problems as well as avoiding killing where practical.
Lawful to Chaotic Neutral
Dark blue horns
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Blue and white leathery scales


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