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Dheren Ogresbane

Ride Champion Dheren Ogresbane

Ride Champion Dheren Ogresbane is a handsome, intelligent young human officer of Archendale. He rose from the commander of his own Ride to become the commander of all the Ridesmen, answering only to  the Red Sword of the Dale (one of its three mysterious rulers). Dheren  is responsible for equipping them, training them, deploying them, and maintaining their internal security This last entails rooting out agents of Cormyr, Sembia, Mulmaster, Thay, Westgate, various merchant costers, the Cult of the Dragon, and the Zhentarim from the ranks.   A careful, diligent, and very observant man, Dheren takes his duties seriously and always has the Dale's forces in readiness for long sieges or the onslaught of a large invading army. Food, water, healing potions, and battle magic are hidden at the ready, and decoy troops and equipment are in constant use and movement so that no spy for another power can learn the true strength and disposition of all of the Archendale's forces. Through several agents, Dheren has begun to hire adventurers as part of his duties to use them to test the vigilance and mettle of his own troops, to learn things about the armed potential of Sembia and Hillsfar, and to investigate possible traitors to the Dale.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Dheren's preferred weapon is an old and rough looking battle axe with a keen edge that some claim can hew the head off of a horse in a single swing. He has admitted that it is enchanted in a manner that allows his voice to be heard clearly for 100 yards over the din of battle.



Dheren ascended to Ride Champion in 1385 at only 25 years old. He had successfully taken command of Swordpoint and held the inner ward of the castle against a siege by 3,000 Sembian troops after the previous Ride Champion was killed during an assault early in the war.

Contacts & Relations


Dheren Ogresbane holds a very military bearing at all times and stares intently at someone when addressing them.

Wealth & Financial state

Dheren lives an aristocratic lifestyle in the solar of Swordpoint, funded by the treasury of Archenbridge.
Lawful Nuetral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Ride Champion
Date of Birth
20th of Hammer
Year of Birth
1461 DR 30 Years old
Current Residence
Close cropped brown hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Very fair
212 lbs
Ruled Locations

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