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Every settlement in the Dalelands has its own militia which can be called up in times of need to defend their homes from invaders, bandits, or whatever other threats may come their way. It is through the swift and decisive actions of their militias that every dale from Shdowdale to High Dale has survived over the centuries. Militias exist more through traditions than laws and though various dales do have their own laws regarding the formation and training of militias all are rather much the same. The Dale's militia system is so successful it has even been copied by nearby communities in Cormyr and Sembia that border the Dalelands and are far from their capitol cities.



Aside from the weapons issued by their respective homelands, dalesmen are ordinarily required to keep handy at least two days worth of rations, camping supplies, and winter clothes. They are free to supplement their kits with whatever other gear they see fit, which may include some armor, shields, ponies or horses, and more.


Each militiaman is issued a spear, or a pike, or a longbow by the dale they live in and required to keep and maintain their weapon for use should war come to their doorsteps. Miliatiamen can and do bring weapons of their own to battle, mostly simple or cheap weapons or tools that they use in every day life such as clubs, handaxes, javelins, and slings; the odd sword or real weapon of war is not exceedingly rare either.


Ranks within the militias are as informal as their participants; some may take a vote and elect a militia leader, sometimes the eldest or the wealthiest take command, other militias may be commanded by a retired or active soldier, or draw lots/straws for the job. The militia 'captains' are in charge of keeping their mobs in good enough order for muster once the levies are called.


In larger conflicts militia form archery companies and/or pike squares and mainly anchor a defensive line though those are rare circumstances. Most militia fights are mere skirmishes with brigands, goblinoids, drow, or the like and are more akin to armed brawls than proper battles, though sometimes someone capable may be able to organize them into an effective company.


Traditions and law dictate that once per tenday every able bodied adult of fighting age regardless of gender and able to hold a spear or shoot a bow is required to drill with their weapons from dawn until dusk. Younger dalesmen are taught the use of their tools of war by their elders, some who may be aged out of mandatory militia service, still other wealthier settlements may hire a professional soldier or mercenary to oversee their drills. The constant practice helps form the dalesmen into a proficient, if not competent, force of levies that are able to be quickly formed up for a fight should there be need; that they fight in defense of their homes is even more important than their skills.


Logistical Support

Weapons and arrows are supplied by the dales to each of their militiamen and their food and fires are expected to be provided for them should they be called up. The remainder is the responsibility of the militia themselves.


All adults with able bodies in the Dalelands up to old age are expected to participate in the militia regardless of sex. For humans this is ordinarily between the ages of 15 and 50. Exceptions can be made for pregnant women, and one daughter and one son of marriageable age from each family; the former is excused from all militia activities, the latter must still participate in drills. Some Dales, such as Archendale, allow for families with enough wealth to pay a yearly tax to cover their local militia's expenses for 20 militiamen (minimum 100 gold) and some do. Dalesmen that are missing limbs, sickly, or otherwise infirm are permanently exempt from militia duty, though no exceptions are made for missing a single eye or a few fingers or toes.
Dalesman mustering for the militia
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

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