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2023-07-18 Pirate Tists to Feather Island

  • Date: 2023-07-18
  • Region: East Ocean
  • Session #: 46


Player Characters

  • Ellis Tist
  • Den Tist
  • Pragma Tist
  • Mortho Tist
  • Auri



  • The Tists' butler



  • Continuing their adventure from 2023-05-16 Tists at Sea, Ellis was disguised as the late Captain Doubt, with his siblings still imprisoned in the brig.
  • As Captain Doubt, Ellis gave a speech to the crew of The Boiling Mermaid about changing his mind about the nobles, and ordering them to accept the nobles as new crewmates. Beasty, the former bosun, volunteered to be the new first mate. A few pirates were still confused and suspicious at the captain's sudden change of opinion, including Beasty.
  • After a brief stop at Port Flizna to resupply, Auri joined the ship for its voyage to Feather Island. She claimed that her blood was poisonous in order to intimidate the pirates out of killing and eating her.
  • Pragma tried to demonstrate his ability to be the new bosun by repairing a barrel, but it went badly.
  • Auri became the bosun instead after successfully repairing the barrel.
  • The ship set sail, waiting until they were out at sea before raising the skull and crossbones once again.
  • Den avoided duty by camping out in the crow's nest.
  • The butler momentarily forgot his own name. The Tists and crew began to call him Jarthur. He became the assistant chef.
  • Pragma kicked Jarthur out of the kitchen to prepare charcuterie for the ship. While there, he met Silky Tongue, a compulsive liar halfling. They talked about quality meals and crab meat.
  • Mortho told Whisper, the surgeon, that the captain wanted to see her. The captain blew her off when she visited him. When the surgeon returned, Mortho had made the infirmary her own, and locked it. Mortho allowed Whisper to enter only if they were officially full co-surgeons of the ship. Whisper accepted, and the two shared secrets with each other.
  • Beasty approached the captain about the sudden change of heart toward the nobles. Ellis convinced him to accept the decision and thoroughly maintained the illusion.
  • Fog surrounded the ship. Pragma cleared enough of the view with his wind fan while Den navigated. Den became the assistant quartermaster to Patches.
  • They sailed eastward for a mostly uneventful week.
  • A ship appeared ahead with cages and beasts aboard.
  • Ellis steered toward the other ship, and commanded them to halt, which they did.
  • The pirates boarded the ship and searched it for loot while its crew surrendered.
  • Ellis cast tongues to speak to the two green grungs. The grungs said they were from the Stickyfoot Clan, and wanted to be taken back home.
  • The PCs found gold and a ghost lantern, and stole several creatures from the merchant ship: two almirajs, two flying monkeys, an allosaurus egg, and two green grungs.
  • Pragma offered the merchant crew charcuterie for their cooperation, which they were surprised and pleased by.
  • Auri pacified the two almirajs and kept them warm and safe in a handmade harness.
  • Den and Ellis struggled to tame their flying monkey pets.
  • Mortho kept an allosaurus egg.
  • Later, Beasty questioned the captain's pacifism once again. Ellis instilled a chilling paranoia into the first mate, silencing his doubt.
  • A heat wave hit. The crew became lethargic, unable to operate the ship.
  • Auri magically froze blocks of water, allowing the pirates to take turns cooling down and working. The crew crowded around the ice station.
  • Mr. Bucket and Robit provided chilled towels from the ice to help the crew work.
  • Den spotted an unidentified ship in the distance.
  • A school of flying fish lept out of the water, slamming into some of the crew.
  • Den identified the ship as a yuan-ti vessel. Ellis roused the crew for battle with a speech.
  • The yuan-ti vessel approached to fight. The pirate ship rammed into one of the yuan-ti nightmare speakers, and Ellis crit another one with psychic blades.
  • Mortho and Robit were polymorphed into huge mammoths by Auri, challenging the buoyancy of the yuan-ti ship. Mammortho shat on the deck in front of the yuan-ti abomination who captained the ship.
  • The party slew the yuan-ti enemies, losing 6 pirates in the process. They claimed scrolls and a dagger of venom from the ship.
  • The next day, Feather Island appeared on the horizon. The ship pulled up to the sketchy side anchorage of Port Quelarza rather than the central dock.

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