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Amulet of Stonekind

Wondrous item, Rare, Requires attunement   While wearing this ringed rock on an iron chain, you are immune to the petrification condition.   Statuify. You can recolor your body and items you are carrying to appear to be made of gray stone. While motionless, you are indistinguishable from a statue, though creatures that recognize you might see through the trick. While camoflauged in this way, you have advantage on stealth checks made to hide in stone. It takes 1 minute to activate this feature, and it lasts for 10 minutes, at which point you revert back immediately. Once per long rest, you can activate it as an action instead.   Earthfriend. You can speak terran while attuned to this amulet, and have advantage on charisma checks with non-hostile stone giants.

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