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Brewing Bottle

Wondrous item, Rare
  Once, you can spend 1 minute brewing tea in this bottle and make a Wisdom check, adding your proficiency bonus if you are proficient with herbalism kits. When you do, it fills with one dose of a potion with an effect given below, depending on the result of the check. The potion loses its power if poured out of the bottle and not consumed immediately. At dawn, the potion loses its potency and you can activate the bottle once again.
DC Result
8 or less Clean freshwater with no effect
9-12 Grants 2d4 temporary hit points
13-15 Restores 2d8 hit points
16-18 Applies the invisibility spell
19-21 Increases speed by 20 ft for 1 hour
22-24 Grants 1d12 bardic inspiration (10 min)
25-26 Grants amorphous trait of oozes for 1hr
27-29 Grants immunity to fall damage for 1hr
30+ You can speak to fire, water, plants, and stone for 10 min.

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