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Crescent Island Journal



4-8-161   We found the island that the map referred to. Unfortunately, the storm left our ship scuttled upon its shores, so we are stuck here until further notice. We have set up a camp among the standing stones for now. I heard strange howls coming from the forest. We must maintain watches at night, lest we be prety to some stalking beast.   I keep telling Sigmy to stop climbing the standing stones. He claims it is worth the view, but all it takes is one slip and he could crack his spine on the lower stones. I feel like the other survivors are not taking our situation seriously enough.   4-10-161   There are indeed beasts within the trees. Large, white-furred, strong, and surprisingly fast when enraged. Moldon taunted one, and we barely saved him from the thing. It attacked with all four of its arms at once! Why would you taunt such a monstrosity!   4-14-161   We have scoured the island (naming it Crescent Island), and followed the pirates’ map, but have had no luck. What are we doing wrong? I have tried examining the map in many different angles and places, but nothing seems to add up. I though the map was a top-down view of this Crescent Island, but it doesn’t quite align. Sigmy thinks we should climb the mountains for a better view. Sigmy is an idiot with no sense of self-preservation.   4-18-161   Things are going downhill quick. Apparently the monster is not alone; it has a family here. While I was foraging for berries with Moldon and Boskel, we were attacked by two of them. They went straight for Moldon; I can only assume they remembered his taunting from a week ago. Boskel and I fled as the things dismembered poor Moldon.   We will hold a funeral for him tonight.   4-19-161   I saw something last night after the funeral for Moldon. It looked like a fish person in the water, wet hair glinting in the moonlight. This is surely one of the sea devils I’ve heard stories about. I saw it throw something onto the beach. When I looked this morning, there was a pretty pink conch shell waiting there.   I have warned the others not to touch it. I detect magic coming from the shell; I believe it is either an evocation-charged explosive or a mind control device of some sort. Sea devils are not to be trusted!   4-22-161   More of the blasted conches are appearing on the beach. Ommond has been trying to convince me that the sea devils aren’t evil, that they can help us if we let them. A person should never trust a devil, everyone knows that!   I have only been on Crescent Island for two weeks, and I feel like I'm going completely mad. Sea devils watch us at night, monsters thwart our struggles against starvation, and fucking Sigmy needs to STOP CLIMBING THE ROCKS. IDIOT.   4-28-161   Pretty sure I’m downright fucked now. Twang and Boskel have been missing for 3 days after their last forage. Ommond kept obsessing over talking to the sea devils, and was gone yesterday morning. He probably picked up a shell and got mind-controlled into drowning himself. Sigmy fell from the spirit-damned rocks like I said he would, and now he can’t move his legs. Fucking idiot.   I’m the last person left who can walk and fight. I cant possibly forage alone with the monsters out there. The sea devils watch my every move at night. All that’s left now is to choose how I want to die.   Sigmy wouldn’t shut up about the view from the standing stones. May as well see for myself.

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