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Dr. Wranton's Ley Line Notes


Text #1

The most peculiar thing happened the other day while I was experimenting with the new reagents I collected. A mixture I had left diffusing on the shelf began to flicker brightly as if infused by some magic. I thought nothing of it at first- certainly unpredictable outcomes will transpire when one tampers with the unknown. It gleamed very briefly- initially, I thought a tiny explosion occurred- but then, I found it had no traces of magic. As if some outside force had momentarily illuminated it. Then, it happened again much later in the same day! And again the next day! What a peculiar discovery! If it is consistent enough, perhaps it could be utilized as a timer? So I took it with me while I was gathering morels and berries the next day. Nothing. No burst of light. When I returned home in the dark, I began to fear it was too sensitive a concoction; that I had ruined it. But lo and behold, it sparked again early the next morning. What’s happening here? I will try to mix more of them to find out.  
  • Dr. Wranton’s Notes!
  • Text #2

    I am beginning to find this concoction infuriating. I am a curious man; I do not like an inconsistent event I cannot understand. I am confident that I am alone here, that no one is playing a cruel prank on me. The glowing mixture consistently illuminates at two specific times each day. But it seems to happen in some places and not others. It happens in my home, it happens at the stone tablet due east of here. It doesn’t happen in most other locations- but it did happen once while I was gathering. What’s the pattern here? What am I not seeing? It feels like I’m following a trail of some sort, like an invisible ley line. But waiting for the next gleam is a test of patience. At any point I might veer from the path, and it might take a week to find the zone again. Tantalizing! But maddening!  
  • Dr. Wranton’s Notes!
  • Text #3

    I have made a lot of the “twogleam” potion. My wrist aches from pestling potash, and I fear I am driving feldcaps to extinction. But now I have a plan. A group of mobile posts, each supporting a vial of the drink. I will take them with me, place them in a wide circle, and watch them to find the direction. Where will they take me?  
  • Dr. Wranton’s Notes!
  • Text #4

    I have followed the twogleam potions for over a year. At this point I am completely broke. My apothecary has been abandoned too long; the building is probably a pile of dust and cobwebs. But I have some conclusions, before I try to salvage my career (and coinpurse). The ley line continues horizontally west and east in a straight line. It is tiny- about 20 feet thick; quite easy to miss with one bottle. Twogleam shines in the morning and the evening, but only if it is within the ley line. If the line leads somewhere, it isn’t accessible to me. Traveling west took me all the way to the snowfields, where my frail body would wither in the cold if I were to camp there. Traveling east led me to the eastern hills, but passage there is risky due to Dalinax, so I had to end the journey. I suspect the ley line is not a path, but a magical effect related to something else. Perhaps a powerful creature moving swiftly across the middle of the world, an arcane object teleporting a long distance, or something more eldritch in nature.  
  • Dr. Wranton’s Notes.

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