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Gogglehelmet of Secretseeking

Wondrous item, Unique, Requires attunement by a character who has read five ancient languages   Psychometry. As an action, you can touch an inanimate object to receive an emotion, vision, or other simple idea from it that describes the most interesting thing that happened to it within the past hour. You can use this ability up to 10 times, regaining all uses on a long rest.   Aspect Lenses. If you can cast detect magic as a ritual, you can do so in 1 minute. Detect magic doesn't require concentration for you. While detect magic is active, you can spend a bonus action to switch between different lenses of the goggles. While a lens is active, you don't see schools of magic, but instead see auras representing a trait unique to that lens: origin plane, sentiment of spirits, creature emotions, temperature, or movement forces of air and liquids. These auras won't reveal creatures or objects that are invisible or magically disguised.   Revelation Ray. You can cast dispel magic without spending a spell slot once. If you successfully dispel an illusion this way, you regain its use, otherwise you regain it on a long rest.   Darkvision. You gain darkvision out to 60 ft. If you already have darkvision, it is instead increased by 60 ft.   Communication Identification. When you see a script or hear a language that you don't know, you can identify what it is.

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