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Lashbinder Whip

Weapon (whip), Rare   This magic whip has a helix of runes inscribed down its length. Attack and damage rolls made with this weapon have a +1 bonus.   Extra Reach. This whip's reach is +5 ft (default of 15 ft).   Grappler. When you make a grapple attempt as an attack, you may use this whip to do so, increasing your grapple reach. While grappled in this way, a creature's speed isn't reduced, but it can only move in directions that bring it closer to you. You can spend 10 ft of movement on your turn to drag the target 5 ft closer to you.   Transwrangle. While a Large or smaller creature is grappled by the whip, you may spend a bonus action to teleport it to the opposite side behind you, if that space is unoccupied and isn't in the air. You must complete a short rest before you can use this property again.

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