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Magic Item Bonus Properties

Characters can spend time and money to enhance their magic items at the spirit forge in Salmund.   To add a bonus property to a magic item in your character's possession, spend 20 downtime days and 200gp. You may spend one dose of magic ink (such as Archestrylene) in place of the gold cost. Adding a bonus property to an item increases its value by 200gp.   Each magic item may only have one bonus property at a time. You can replace an item's bonus property with a different one, but must pay the full cost as if you had added a new one. Some properties may only be applied to certain types of items, as shown in the chart below.  
Property Item types Effect
Beacon Any The item sheds 10 ft of bright light and 10 ft of dim light beyond that. You can toggle this feature on and off as a bonus action.
Compass Any While the item is on your person, you know which way is north and which way is up.
Flashy Activated When you activate one of the item's properties or spells, you can activate one of the effects of the prestidigitation spell on the item or its target as a free action. Only one non-instantaneous effect can be active at a time from this property. DC 10 if applicable.
Harmonious Attunement Attuning to the item only takes 1 minute.
Language (<Language>) Attunement While attuned to the item, you can speak, write, and understand the chosen language.
Lightweight Any The item is half its normal weight and feels hollow.
Reelementation (<Element>) Any If the item has any non-spell effects that deal fire, cold, acid, thunder, or lightning damage, choose one type from that list: those effects deal the chosen type instead. The new type must be chosen when implementing this property. Example: a flametongue that deals acid damage.
Returning Ammunition / thrown weapon After you make an attack with the ammunition or weapon, it immediately returns to your hand or inventory. Example: a dagger +2 that can be thrown repeatedly.
Strange material Any The item is made of an unusual material, enchanted to have the same weight and durability as the item's normal material. The new material must suit the item with regards to rigidity. A cloth sword as strong as iron would still be too floppy. This doesn't count as the item's one bonus property; it may stack with others. Examples: wood, mushroom, leather, glass, clay, obsidian, gold, plush.
Temperate (<warm/cold>) Any The item is warm or cold to the touch, chosen when applied. While worn or held, the bearer is able to withstand extreme temperatures as if they were wearing weather-specific clothing for the opposite of the chosen temperature.
Waterborne Any This item floats in liquids. While worn or held, the bearer has advantage on Athletics checks made to swim.
Inkbound Attunement This item gains the tattoo attunement property (see tattoo items in TCE). The item is considered held and can be used as a spell focus, but has no properties that require its physical form. Example: sword tattoo can't be wielded as a weapon.
Custom effect Any A custom-designed minor property; requires DM consult and approval. The effect may increase the item's "horizontal" power (more options) but not its "vertical" power (more charges/damage). Examples: the user may spend additional charges to upcast spells, the item may activate from a distance using a command word, the item may fold into a different shape.

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