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Managing Your Characters

Each player is allowed to create any number of characters. For details about creating a new character, refer to Character Creation & Options.   Character management is handled on the honor system. The DM will track some metadata such as character levels and state, but players are responsible for tracking their character's items, money, downtime days, etc. It is recommended, but not required, to maintain a per-character logsheet with an entry for each mission played, and the rewards obtained in that session. A logsheet is provided in the campaign google drive.  

Character State

"State" here describes a character's status and playability between sessions. When not playing, every character is in at least one of the states below.  

Active states

Characters in these states may be played:
  • Active. The character is ready to adventure.
  • Exiled. The character has been driven from their home. The main situation where this can happen is if the character becomes a wanted criminal, and thus cannot return home. Exiled characters may only be played with other exiled characters, and will not be eligible for most missions.
  • Suspended. If a session ends and the party has not yet finished its current mission, all players may unanimously agree to continue it later. When this happens, the characters cannot be played in any other mission until the current mission is complete.

Inactive states

Characters in these states are not playable, but might become playable again if circumstances allow:
  • Dead. The character has died. If their body is recoverable, and players have the means to resurrect them, the character can return to life and resume adventuring.
  • MIA. Characters that are captured, trapped, lost, or otherwise fail to return home from a mission are considered missing. They can be rescued when other characters complete a rescue mission.
  • Retired. Players may decide that their character has quit adventuring permanently. Retired characters might settle down or begin a simple job, such as running a shop. Players may grant the DM control of their character, allowing them to reappear in the campaign as an NPC.

Character Death


Levels 1-4

Low level characters can be killed more easily than others by unlucky rolls. While this is by design, it can be unfun to spend hours crafting your character's story and build only to lose them immediately. Characters that die at level 4 or lower can be replaced by a new character (either as a new level 1 character, or following the All Levels rule below) that is identical to the dead character. This means you can continue your character's story instead of trashing it and making something completely new.  

All Levels

Dead or MIA characters may be retired permanently at the owner's decision. If a player has lost a character this way recently, they may create a new character one level lower than the lost character as a replacement, so that they can continue adventuring with other PCs near their level. Dead characters' possessions are buried with them.   If your level 12 character dies, you may create a new character at level 11 so that you can continue playing with the same group if desired. You can no longer resurrect the level 11 character after doing this.

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