The term "trinkets" refers to common arcanotech magic items developed to serve simple, everyday purposes. Many trinkets are treated as full magic items and have their own articles and certs; see the Trinkets category for a list. Lesser trinkets are listed below.
Cantrip jar
Wondrous item, Common
Price: 20gp
When opened, this tiny jar unleashes stored energy, casting a cantrip. The cantrip is determined by the jar, e.g. a cantrip jar of chill touch casts that spell. If applicable, the spell attack bonus is +5 and DC is 13. Alarm lock
Wondrous item, Common
Price: 10gp
This lock is difficult to pick (DC 20). On a failed pick attempt, the lock begins screaming loudly for 10 minutes. Unpickable glyphlock & key
Wondrous item, Common
Price: 20gp
This lock can't be picked by mundane means, and is immune to the knock spell cast at third level or lower.
Wondrous item, Common
Price: 20gp
When opened, this tiny jar unleashes stored energy, casting a cantrip. The cantrip is determined by the jar, e.g. a cantrip jar of chill touch casts that spell. If applicable, the spell attack bonus is +5 and DC is 13. Alarm lock
Wondrous item, Common
Price: 10gp
This lock is difficult to pick (DC 20). On a failed pick attempt, the lock begins screaming loudly for 10 minutes. Unpickable glyphlock & key
Wondrous item, Common
Price: 20gp
This lock can't be picked by mundane means, and is immune to the knock spell cast at third level or lower.