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Spiroch is an insular nation, but mostly by circumstance. Its only border is with Jejun, a nation openly hostile to outsiders. The Spirochi climate is unbelievably harsh and hostile to life, with freezing temperatures that lead to death by hypothermia after only a few hours of exposure to its air without magical protection. Although the nation is fairly private about its history, those few travelers who manage to survive the journey to one of its spires are generally welcomed and their wounds treated. Most Spirochai do not speak common, and its spires have their own language that is a mix of dwarvish and jej, but generally many Spirochai also speak old dialects of one or the other language that are recognizable to those who speak Spirochi.   Spirochi travelers tend to have more luck leaving the nation than foreigners have entering it, as they are more prepared for the harsh climate. Not only do they wear enchanted cloaks to withstand the cold for longer hours, they make use of the subterranean passageways that can at least lead them to Tenethveit, from which they can make the quickest journey out of Spiroch's harsh atmosphere.   Spiroch is a stratocracy, run by a military government that works tirelessly to maintain the magical protection around each of its spires. Civilians generally enjoy freedom in their lives and careers, but in times of need the Spirochi government is known to conscript its citizens in service of maintaining the habitability of its spires. The military's commander is fairly mysterious, as their identity is private. Spiroch's capital is Hrostivik, but most Spirochai believe that the commander operates out of an office somewhere in Thraediholm.  


  • Spiroch
Geopolitical, Stratocracy
Population: 210,000

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